Countries have laws, Families have rules, and therefore, forums should have regulations. Here are some of the terms, please pay attention to the following points:国有国法,家有家规,论坛也应该有一定的管理制度。下面是EN580论坛的基本版规,请大家注意遵守。
1、No raunchy topics and offensive threads will be allowed. EN580 will not accept personal attacks against other Forum Members or Moderators or their businesses.
2、Please don’t dump rubbish in the garden, such as repeatedly post useless topics and comments as well as advertisement.
3、Make sure whether your creations are fit for the relevant section, of course, please don’t pretend to be someone else with mischievous intents.
Take care of this cabin since we’re in the same boat, and please trying to be creative, as you can see, all the positive originals would be rewarded.
That’s all, enjoy yourself!