owenlee 发表于 2015-12-28 18:44:43



Invisibility is everywhere. I mean, sure, people tend to focus on the things we can see. like matter, living things. but there's also all this stuff that we can't see, like sound waves or gasses. And a few things we miss because they're hidden in plain sight. Like I said, invisibility is all around us, even in the most obvious and familiar places. These opposites exist side by side, the seen...and the unseen. And the same pattern repeats itself, over and over.隐形的事物无处不在,我的意思是:真的,人们总是聚集于那些能够看到的生动、有意思的事情。但有些东西肉眼是看不见的,比如:声波或气体。还有一些我们可能错失的东西,因为他们藏匿于微小细节之中。正如我所言:隐形的事物即便是在最为明显和熟悉的地方,如影随形。看得见与看不见,两者截然不同,但又相得益彰,类似的定律也在我们的生活中一遍遍重复上演。
Those bright, shiny objects, they soak up all the attention, while at the same time, the invisible objects right under our noses don't, that's just the way things are, we can't change it, no matter how much we might want to. At least, that's what I thought.那些明亮闪耀的事物,他们获得众多的关注,与此同时,那些隐形的事物即便在眼皮底下也浑然不觉。这就是亘古不变的定律,不管你怎么努力,也改变不了。至少我是这么认为的。

You never know what you can accomplish, unless you engage the world a little bit.除非你是亲身经历过了,否则你永远都不知道自己的潜力有多大。(提炼一下就四个字:重在参与)
场景三:妹妹的结尾呈辞:(monologue):The line between visible andinvisible, it isn't that wide. 原来隐形和显形,只有一线之隔Transformation from one state toanother, is indeed possible. 彻底转变形态,也是有可能的I know now that visible things candisappear...and invisible things can finally be seen. 显形的东西可以消失,而隐形人 也终能被大家注意Crossing this line between invisibleand visible is easier than you think. 而跨过这条看似不可逾越的线,比你想象得简单
What people see......what they really see...外界怎么看你,怎么真正用心感受你Visible or invisible...comes from inside us. 不论你是隐形 还是显形,其实完全取决于我们自己And we become visible, when we are not afraid to show the world who we really are. 只有我们勇敢地表露出内心,外表才会真正显形
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