Interviewer:What does it feel like when you'redancing? 你跳舞的时候有什么感觉?Billy:Don't know.不知道Sort of feels good.觉得很好It's sort of stiff and that, but onceI get going, 有一点僵硬…但是只要一跳舞then I forget everything. 我就会忘记全部的事情And, 然后…Sort of disappear. 好像不存在一样Sort of disappear. 一切都消失了Like I feel a change in me whole body. 我感觉到身体在改变Like there's fire in me body. 好像,好像里面有一把火I'm just there, flying. 剩下我在那里Like a bird. 像小鸟一样,在飞翔Like electricity. 像电流一样Yeah. 对Like electricity. 就像电流一样
Tonny:Have you any idea of what we're goingthrough? 你知不知道我们家发生什么事?
I've been in a fucking cell all night,我在拘留所关了一个晚上
and you come around here talkingshite! 你居然跑来说一堆屁话
And, you! Fucking ballet!还有你…什么狗屁芭蕾
Look at him! He's only 11, for fuck'ssake! 你看他,他不过才11岁Billy:You've gotta start training from when you'reyoung.必须从小开始接受训练Tonny:Shut it, I'm not having any brother of minerunning around like a right twat for your gratification. 我不会让你为了私心,把他当白痴耍得团团转Mrs Wilkinson:Excuse me. This is not for mygratification. 对不起这样做不是为了我自己
Tonny:And what good's it gonna do him?You're not taking him away. 这样对他又有什么好处?你不能带他走
He's only a bairn! What about givinghim a childhood? 他只是个小孩他的童年怎么办?
Billy:I don't want a childhood. I want to bea ballet dancer. 我不要童年我只要跳芭蕾舞
Tonny:And anyway, what do you know about it?再说,你又算哪跟葱
What qualifications have you got? 你有什么资格说这些?
Mrs Wilkinson:I haven't come here to defend meself. 听我说,我不是来吵架的
Tonny:Well, for all we know, you could be some fucking nutter. 我们认为你根本就是疯子
I should get the fucking Social on to you.专门来诱拐小孩的
Mrs Wilkinson:I think you should calm yourself down,son. 小子,你说话客气点
Tonny:You say he can dance. Well, go on,then. 你说他会跳舞好,那过来
Let's see this fucking dancing. 我们就看你跳
Mrs Wilkinson:No,This is ridiculous!- 不行,简直是糊闹!
Tonny:If you're a fucking Ballet dancer,let's be having you! 你要真的会跳芭蕾舞就跳来给我们看看
Thanks for sharing!!多谢了 I should get the fucking Social on to you.... Like electricity. 就像电流一样