justsayhi 发表于 2016-10-23 13:03:11



Sometimes a rose is just a rose, Jewelry, that's another story. 有时候玫瑰就只是玫瑰,如果是珠宝…那就另当别论
If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. 要是男人超过三十岁还是单身,那他一定有问题
It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out from propagating the species. 他们在进化过程中被淘汰
What about us? 那我们怎么说?
We're just choosey. 我们只是太挑剔了

That was the day I came face to face With my freak.就在那天,我遇见了奇怪的自己
The frightening woman whose fear ate her sanity. 一个理智被恐惧吃掉的疯女人
The truth is, it isn't just the men. It's all of us. 事实上:不只是男人,而是每一个人
Anyone who's single in Manhattan gets a little freaked out from time to time. 每一个曼哈顿的未婚男女 有时会做出怪异的举动
But we keep trying, 但是我们仍不放弃,
because you have to figure......因为你得搞清楚...
if the world's fattest twins can find love, there's hope for all of us. 最胖的双胞胎可以找到真爱 我们也可以
Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us, understand us......会爱我们,了解我们
and kiss our three heads and make it all better. 亲吻我们的三个怪头,安慰我们

The fact is, the act of cheating is de-fined by the act of getting caught.偷情的行为 要看有没有被抓到而定
One doesn't exist without the other. 两者不能独立存在
Once you try to change a man, it's doomed. They won't budge. 你也不可能改变男人,他绝不会让步
The things you can work on are hair and wardrobe. 你所能做的就是在发型和穿着上做文章
Even then, it's a constant battle. 不过连那也是长期抗争

When Single men have money, it's to their advantage.如果一个单身男子有钱,这将是他的优势。
If a Single woman has money, it's a problem to be dealt with.但是如果一个单身女子有钱,这将是个麻烦。


justsayhi 发表于 2016-10-23 13:08:47


It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process..这是有关于他在做决定的时候甚至没有将我考虑在内。
Men do this all the time. 男人总是这样。
Women walking around thinking ''we.''女人想的总是“我们”
And their version of ''we'' is ''me and my dick.''男人的“我们”指的则是“我和我的老二”

In love relationships, there is a fine line between pleasure and Paln. 在爱情里快乐与痛苦仅一线之隔。
In fact, it's a common belief that a re-lationship without Paln......is a rela-tionship not worth having. 事实上,人们普遍相信没有痛苦的恋爱不值得拥有。
To some, Pain implies growth. 对某些人来说,痛苦意味着成长。
But how do we know when the grow-ing Palns stop......and the ''Paln Palns'' take over? 但是我们怎么能知道何时成长的痛苦会转变成疼痛的痛苦?
Are we masochists or optimists, if we continue to walk that Fine line?若我们继续走在那条线上,我们算是受虐狂还是乐观主义?
When it comes to relationships......how do you know when enough is enough? 谈到爱情,如何能知道是真的够了?

It's slim pickings out there.找到好男人的机会渺茫
You can't swing a Fendi purse without knocking over five losers.连甩个名牌皮包,都会打到五个蹩脚货
Where did all the great guys go? 好男人都到哪儿去了?

We spent our childhoods playing games. 我们在童年玩的游戏
Were they all just primers for the games we played as adults?是成年后所玩游戏的入门吗?
Were relationships just a big chess match: strategy moves, countermoves......男女交往是否只是一盘西洋棋局?策略、步法、反制...
all designed to keep your opponent off balance until you win?直到赢得比赛为止?全都设计好让对手失去优势
Was there such a thing as an honest relationship?   究竟有没有诚实的男女关系?
Or was it true?这是真的吗?
Do you have to play games to make a relationship work? 玩游戏是感情的成功之本?


justsayhi 发表于 2016-10-23 13:18:27


I wondered......were we all just victims of conditioned responses? 我在想,我们是不是条件反射的受害者
Doomed to repeat the same unconscious relationship patterns? 注定要无意识地重复某种感情模式?
Were we all, in fact, just dating... ...the same person over and over again?重复与某种特定类型的人交往?

Maybe you don't believe it's for real unless somebody plays hard to get. 除非某个人玩欲擒故纵的游戏
When things come too easy, we're suspect. 当事情变得太容易,我们就会产生怀疑
Do they have to get complicated before we believe they're for real? 难道一定要很复杂,我们才相信是真的吗?
We're raised to believe that true love never runs smoothly. 我们从小就相信:真爱必定历经波折
There always have to be obstacles in Act Two第二幕一定会出现障碍
before you can live happily ever after in Act Three.然后才能在第三幕从此过着幸福快乐的生活
But what happens when the obstacles aren't there? 但万一没有障碍怎么办?
Does that mean there's something missing? 那是否意味着少了些什么?
Do we need drama to make a relationship work? 感情是否需要变得戏剧化才会成功?


You asked me to be here, and I wasn't sure if I could.之前你叫我来,我不确定是否做得到
Honestly... I mean, meeting the parents is so..老实说…和父母见面真的很…
Then I realized I wanna meet them but I didn't know if you still wanted me to. 后来我明白我想和他们见面,但我不知道你是否仍有此意
I've called and you haven't called me, so then I thought I'm just gonna go 我一直打给你,而你都没回电,所以我就想干脆直接来
because being in a relationship means taking a risk...a leap of faith. 因为谈感情意味着冒险…来个180度大转变
No matter how many times one might have been disappointed before . 无论一个人过去对感情,失望多少次
I said to myself I'm just gonna show up...be-cause you're a good man. 所以我对自己说我要现身,因为你是个好男人
A really good man. 一个非常好的男人

相关链接:http://www.en580.com/data/attachment/album/201302/07/154028adjuttnb3jtmcm2r.gifSex and the city《欲望都市》全套中英文剧本

justsayhi 发表于 2016-10-23 13:32:35


We can feel totally good about our-selves.....我们可能自我感觉非常好
and then it all goes out the window if the guy doesn't mirror it back to us. 但是如果男人不向我们反映这一点,那就全不是那么一回事。
The only thing worse than being Sin-gle in your 30s唯一比三十几岁单身还惨的事
is being Single in your 20s. 就是二十几岁时孤零零一个人

That week, back in the city, I won-dered what was the allure of the 20s? 那周回到城里,我纳闷二十多岁的魅力是什么?
On one hand, there's great skin tone, the thrill of fresh experience......一方面:气色很好,对新奇的体验感到兴奋
and the sense of a consequence free life full of endless possibilities. 不计后果,充满无限可能的人生
While on the other, there are horrible apartments, sexually inexperienced men......同时另一方面:住很糟糕的公寓,交往没有性经验的男友
and embarrassing errors in fashion judgment.以及穿没有品味的衣服
Should we fear these freshly minted, single women我们是否该担心,这些年轻的单身女子
as a threat to our very survival......or pity对我们的生存造成威胁?
them as clueless half-wits about to get their dreams dashed......and illusions shattered? 或者同情她们,幻想即将破灭却一无所知?
Twenty something girls......friend or foe? 二十多岁的女孩,是朋友…还是敌人?

And then I realized......twenty some-thing girls are just fabulous... ..后来我意识到:.二十多岁的女孩确实很迷人
until you see one with the man who broke your heart. It's so interesting. 直到你看到她身边有个曾令你心碎的男人,这简直太有意思了!

Tell a man, ''I hate you'', you'll have the best sex of your life. 告诉男人:“我恨你”,你将体验到此生最爽的性爱。
But tell him, ''I Love you'', you'll probably never see him again. 告诉男人:“我爱你”,你可能再也见不到他了。
A ''good on paper guy'' is a guy With great credentials......名义上的好男人,拥有出色的背景资历
who you always end up leaving for some hot guy......最后你却永远会为了一个
who rides a motorcycle and doesn't have a checking account. 骑摩托车的浪子离他而去

Then I had a thought, maybe I didn't break Big.那时我想到:也许我并未驯服大人物
Maybe the problem was he couldn't break me. 也许问题在于他无法驯服我
Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. 也许有些女人注定不该被驾驭
Maybe they need to run free until they find someone......也许她们需要自由奔驰,直到她们找到…
just as wild to run with. 性情相投的伴侣一起同行


优晨 发表于 2016-11-11 09:30:43

很喜欢。喜欢里面的主人公, 谢谢楼主分享。

93nobody 发表于 2017-3-1 13:09:02

thanks a lot

glowworm12 发表于 2017-9-18 10:27:36


宗鲍米花 发表于 2018-5-6 09:24:45


你好吗 发表于 2019-4-14 13:32:20

The fact is, the act of cheating is de-fined by the act of getting caught
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