对白背景介绍:下面的一段场景出自美剧Billions《亿万》第一季第一集,该剧男主角Chuck Rhoades(简称Chuck)是一名大检察官,现任美国司法部长,此人心思缜密,嫉恶如仇,Chuck从不轻易出手,但凡一出手,总能出其制胜,将犯罪分子手到擒来,甚至连亲戚朋友都不放过。下面这段对白剪辑描述的是:Chuck与属下得力干将Bryan探讨一桩金融诈骗案,并锁定嫌犯为Axel资本的老板Bobby Axelrod(简称Bob)。拥有数十亿资本的Bob绝对是金融界及资本市场一大枭雄:此人除了资本雄厚、精明强干外,而且消息灵通、广结人脉,在当地拥有极佳的口碑。面对Bob这种集“天时、地利、人和”与一身的商界传奇,Chuck形容Bob时两次用到比喻口吻,将此人比作是:“顶盛时期的泰森”和“刚出栅栏的公牛”,通过此类形象的比喻,让观众对于chuck将要对付的劲敌的非凡实力,感同身受。从而加强了剧情的紧张刺激程度。
Chuck:Bobby Axelrod is Mike Tyson in his prime. 波比·阿克斯罗德就像全盛期的麦克·泰森 And you do not want Mike Tyson in his prime. 而你不会希望遭遇全盛时期的麦克·泰森 Remember what happened to the guys who fought him then? 还记得当时和他对战的家伙们结局如何吗Bryan:Yeah, they got their faces pushed in. 记得他们被打得面目全非 But eventually he got beat. 可最后他也被打败了 Buster Douglas knocked him on his ass. 博斯特·道格拉斯把他打得很惨Chuck:Right.没错Bryan:Ketchup?要番茄酱吗Chuck:"Eventually" is the keyword. 关键词是"最后" When Tyson was ready to go. 泰森该退位的时候 Since my appointment, 我履职以来 this office is undefeated in financial prosecutions... 我们办公室在金融起诉案上未尝一败 81 and 0. And that's because I know when the time is right. 81比0那是因为我知道什么才是正确的时机 Bryan:I get it, but... this would be a big one.我明白但是这可是起大案子Chuck:Bryan, what do you think happened here this morning? 布莱恩今天早上的事你有什么看法Bryan:We got significant information. 我们得到了一条重大信息Chuck:Maybe. Or maybe it was Spyros setting us up. 有可能也可能是斯派罗在给我们下套 Now, we go in first and lose in the criminal action, 如果我们先出手在刑事诉讼上输了 Spyros in the S.E.C. can still get him civilly. 身处证交会的斯派罗仍然可以做民事起诉 Now, we win, Spyros wins. We lose... 我们赢斯派罗获利我们要是输了 Spyros still fucking wins. 他妈的斯派罗还是获利Bryan:Damn. The ketchup's empty. 去他的番茄酱没了Chuck:We've got to be playing three-dimensional chess. 我们这是在下三维国际象棋 Axe is a folk hero in this town. 阿克斯是这个地方的民间英雄 The guy gave the New York City Firefighter's Foundation 这家伙去年向纽约市消防员基金会 $100 million last year. 捐了一亿美元 Police gave him a plaque at Ground Zero 警方在世贸大楼遗址给他立了个牌子 with his god damn name on it. 他那破名字就写在上面Bryan:Spitzer's name was on all the highway signs, too. 以前公路标志牌上不也都是斯皮策州长的名字 Signs come down. 是牌子就会倒下Chuck:That's why I love you, man. 所以我这么爱你啊 But a good matador doesn't try to kill a fresh bull. 但是斗牛士不会杀一头刚出场的牛 You wait until he's been stuck a few times. 你得等牛被刺了几次之后再说 We need an opening, however small. 我们需要一个切入的机会无论多小 Then we get the guy the moment that he's gettable, 等抓到了可乘之机再下手 just like the others. 就像对其他人一样 But not if there's a chance we lose. 如果有输的可能就绝不动手
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