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Peppa Pig is trending again on Chinese social media

热度 18已有 1331 次阅读2019-2-18 11:00 |个人分类:影视英语| Peppa, Pig


Peppa pig is trending again on Chinese social media 
and this time it is not because of her gangster style 
or temporary ban on Tik Tok 
but because of a promo video 
for the upcoming “Peppa pig celebrates Chinese New Year” movie
and this promo video has gone absolutely viral! 
It was launched online on January 17 
and over the past 48 hours on Weibo alone 
it has already received more than 980 million views 
This probably makes it already one of the biggest trending topics of this year 
and it's only January 
A little bit about the background 
I assume you all know who Peppa Pig is 
It is a cartoon that is actually meant for preschoolers 
and it was first aired in 2004 outside of China 
It was produced by the British animation studio Ashleigh Baker Davies 
together with the Canadian entertainment one 
And it focuses on the life of Peppa Pig, a four year old preschooler 
together with her family and her friends 
and all the adventures they have together 
it first aired in China in 2015 which is quite a delay 
but this is not uncommon if you look at “Sesame Street” for example 
it was meant to air in China in 1981 and it wasn’t until 1996 
before it finally officially was aired on Chinese television 
this has to do with the strict control that you see on Chinese television 
on what can and what cannot be aired 
and China State Administration for radio, film and television controls this 
and especially for children programs 
they have quite strict requirements 
they have to have some cultural values or some educational benefit for children 
but obviously Peppa Pig made the cut 
and I think what nobody would have expected is that 
Peppa pig did not just become a hit among Chinese preschoolers 
but also among Chinese young adults 
who now since 2016 are wearing Peppa Pig t-shirts or Peppa Pig watches
and she's even become some sort of cultural icon 
for certain Chinese youth subcultures 
using this great popularity of Peppa Pig in China today 
the Chinese “Alibaba Pictures” cooperated together with the Canadian “entertainment one” 
to produce the very first Chinese Peppa Pig movie 
it will come to the cinemas in February at the beginning of the Chinese New Year 
which is also the year of the pig, which is of course great timing 
so now about this promo video that everybody is talking about 
what is very noteworthy about it is that 
you would expect a promo video to be a trailer or to be actually about the movie 
but this is a short movie by itself 
it is not a cartoon, it is not targeted at preschoolers but more so at their parents 
and instead of directly promoting the Peppa Pig movie itself 
it more so promotes the idea of Peppa Pig belonging to a Chinese social cultural context 
there are no English subtitles unfortunately 
so let me just talk you through what this short film is about 
so what you first see is a grandfather somewhere in a remote village 
who is trying to reach his son and his family
he wants to know what to get his grandson for Chinese New Year 
when they have this big reunion 
and the only thing he hears before the connection drops is Peppa 
he goes on a quest in his village to find out what Peppa is 
he asks his friends he asks around in the supermarket, looks it up in a dictionary 
he's completely clueless just like everyone else 
until he knocks on the door of one of the fellow villagers who used to be a nanny 
and she knows what Peppa is 
without the internet, she tries to explain it to him in other ways 
she compares it to a fire blower, so using an old traditional metal fire lower 
what this grandpa does is he starts working on this very unique gift for his grandson 
that is supposed to be the head of Peppa 
then we see that the grandfather is trying to get in touch with his son again 
but on this very bad connection all he can understand is that 
his son and his family won't be coming home to his village for Chinese New Year
after that, he's very sad, he walks all alone by the side of the road 
when his son suddenly pops up in his car 
and says “dad, this has been a misunderstanding
I want to celebrate Chinese New Year together 
but I want to ask you to come to our home instead.” 
and then we shift to the scene where we see the whole family reunited 
and grandfather can finally present his grandson with this gift of Peppa 
and we see the fireworks in the background 
and everybody's amazed and of course 
the whole family goes to the cinema together 
to see this Peppa Pig Chinese New Year's movie 
and in the last scene you see that one of the fellow villagers 
who just got a new phone calls up his friend 
and says I now know what Peppa is 
and then the grandfather says I've already found Peppa 
the last scene shows this villager standing with all his sheep 
and in the background you hear the tune of the Peppa Pig cartoon 
so this short promo video was directed by Zhang dapeng
and he is also the director of the actual Peppa Pig movie 
on Weibo today, he shared some background information on how this video was made 
surprisingly, it only took them two days to film 
it was filmed in Hubei Province in huai Lai county in a small village
and very noteworthy, the actors that are in this video are actually not professional actors 
they are all original villagers who are wearing their own clothes 
it's their own homes that we see 
and it does sticks very close to the reality of how people in these villages live 
why this video has become such a success is also because of this 
it touches upon various issues that currently have a major impact on Chinese society 
it mixes this idea of Peppa Pig 
with the warm feeling of Chinese families reuniting during Chinese New Year 
for many people it is the only time of the year that they can see each other
but aside from that you also see that, for example 
it touches upon the issue of China’s rapid digitalization 
China of course has a society that is now rapidly digitalizing 
but it is leaving the elderly population behind 
who maybe do not have these smartphones 
or who are not really catching up with all these new technological developments 
and it also means that they are kind of cut out from society 
and then, of course we see China's urbanization coming up here 
affecting villages that are becoming more and more empty 
where the elderly are being left behind 
the younger generations have gone into the cities to work 
which also of course creates a greater gap 
between grandparents and their children but also their grandchildren. 
you see that also in this video 
there is some loneliness and some sadness 
and I think this is also one of the reasons why many social media users 
said that they have to cry a little bit when seeing this movie 
so, all in all,
I think that we could say that
this short movie goes much deeper than Peppa Pig alone 
and basically draws in Peppa Pig in this Chinese context 
making the little pig more Chinese than ever 
I think this year, we’ll really see the height of the popularity of Peppa Pig in China 
and what better year for Peppa to shine like a star than in the year of the pig 
this year in the year of the pig, I will definitely upload more videos keeping you up-to-date 
with what’s trending on Chinese social media, what's going on in Chinese popular culture 
so please subscribe to this channel and I will keep you updated more frequently 
see you next time






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发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)

回复 你好吗 2019-4-7 13:41
回复 你好吗 2019-4-9 16:13
I think that we could say that
回复 jpmp 2019-6-6 14:17
回复 775533 2020-6-20 16:36
回复 andrefan 2020-11-23 09:03
回复 andrefan 2020-11-23 09:04
回复 andrefan 2020-11-24 11:51
together with the Canadian entertainment one
回复 andrefan 2021-2-10 17:34
this is the best website Ive ever used
回复 andrefan 2021-2-12 11:32
h the Canadian entertainment one
回复 andrefan 2021-2-15 11:04
me you all know who Peppa Pig is
It is a cartoon that is actually meant for preschoolers
and it was first aired in 2004 outside of China
It was produced by the British animation studio Ashleigh Baker Davies
together with the Canadian entertainment one
And it focuses on the life of Peppa Pig, a four year old preschoole
回复 andrefan 2021-2-16 10:40
on Chinese social media
回复 andrefan 2021-2-17 11:40
adventures they have together
it first aired in China in 2015 which is quite a delay
but this is not uncommon if
回复 andrefan 2021-2-18 11:14
about the background
回复 andrefan 2021-2-19 11:24
ig is trending again o
回复 367719002 2022-7-10 18:48
回复 andrefan 2023-1-6 10:08
omo video that everybody is tal
回复 andrefan 2023-1-7 17:12
ban on Tik Tok
but because of a promo video
for the upcoming “Peppa p
回复 andrefan 2023-1-9 20:20
eady received more than 980 million views
This probably makes it already one of the biggest trending topics of this year
and it's only January
A little bit about the background


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