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热度 15已有 1314 次阅读2015-3-8 10:09 | 笔记


Not everyone can be on the right side of history.不是所有人都能青史留名

Tell me, where do you see yourself headed? 你怎么看自己的前途

You're being tapped for VP.你要接任副总统

They'll draw votes from one another.制彼此的

but I'd be willing to give you the ammunition.但我愿意帮你

She said, "Go to town, bitch.""随你便 "

We're thrilled for you. Thank you.-都替你高 -谢谢

I wanted to fill in Bob and Terry personally.我想自跟勃和泰瑞

Home stretch with Jim. Whistle-stop tour.帮吉姆冲刺 就要到

Very good. But we don't want to take any chances.的确 但我们还是不想冒

Buchwalter's a hot-head.巴克沃特太冲

Well, could you live with Webb, Frank?那么伯你得可以

Webb is a good tactician, but he lacks follow-through.伯懂战术 但做事虎

The problem with Buchwalter is he's too abrasive.巴克沃特是个粗人

We've been down that road.过这

We don't want a trial. Her lawyers don't want a trial.不想上法庭 她的律不想上法庭

But Ms. Cole won't listen to reason.但科女士就是不听

That's a knee-jerk reaction.就是膝跳反应\

Give me a timeframe.我个大致时间

I had to put my hostess on wait staff duty.我不得不去找我的

Fine. Do you have the burner? Yeah.-好吧 一次性电话买好了 -

Did you think about how you would humiliate me and my kids?你想过这对我和我孩子的羞辱

Rachel's the last loose end.瑞秋是唯一的机会

I'll press him for more.我尽量多套些信息

I think he's setting her up.他是在你下

If that tempts you, we can keep talking.如果你感 咱就接着

None of that intimidates me.那些都不是问题

I wouldn't be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on.我要是想博取同情 也不会到

This isn't your decision to make.事由不得

I don't want anyone walking up --我不想

It's good to get a head start,提前准备总是没

I intend to savor these moments for as long as I can.我要尽量好好享受

security is at my discretion. Is that correct?安保问题仍是我来决定 对吗

We're talking blast-proofing,要建防爆

I'll contact you directly about setting a plan in motion.我会直接跟你联络 讨论改建

Nancy, have Meechum bring the car around.南茜 姆把

You keep selling me that swampland. I'm done buying.想拉我下水 我不干了

To a sober recovering alcoholic.他当戒了酒 正在恢复中

Did you want him to self-sabotage?你是指望他会自前程

I like to back people who want to succeed.我愿意支持有上心的

listen to you. You sound ludicrous.听听你在么 荒唐至极

Don't step out of the sunlight for no reason.无故地没事找

Let's start this new chapter with a clean slate.记过 展开新的合作

Those results should be back within a few days.结果几天之内就能出来

still in the beta stage.还处在测试阶段

The jury's still out.这药目前仍有争议

That's putting the cart way before the horse.我们还是按部就班慢慢来

Matthews has this locked up,马修斯已经稳操胜券

He propped up a sham candidate, just to take him down.他扶持一个假候选人 就为到时搞垮他

take a step back, and reevaluate.退一步重新考虑

But we should exhaust all options但我们应该先尝试别的办法

We are up against a brick wall.我们已经撞南墙了

That sounds like a cagey bullshit non-answer to me.谨小慎微的废话   说了等于没说

-I'm on the sidelines for this one, Terry.我不想插手这件事情    泰瑞

Have you thought this out? Because when we go to court--你想清楚了吗   因为等我们上了法庭

No strings?没其他条件吗

but I've put a great deal of thought into this但我经过再三考虑

and I won't be pursuing any further tests.我不会再进行其他检测了

And we can put all this other nonsense behind us我们忘记这些乱七八糟的事

-and trust one another and continue to help one another?互相信任   互相帮助   可以吗

The night Russo fell off the wagon he was at a fundraiser.罗素酒瘾复发当晚   他出席了一个募捐


Don't act surprised. I showed the bellmen a photo.别装不知道 我给行李员看了张照片

I'm sure she frequents many hotels.她肯定经常出现在各种酒店

Crossed ethical lines, professionally, physically.于公于私都跨过了道德底线

And I hold myself accountable for that.我愿意为这些事情负责

Are you giving up on this?   -你要放弃吗

You have the skeletons.看来你已经掌握大致情况了

Throwing a wrench into someone else's bid?为别人竞选制造障碍

But more importantly,但更重要的是

ruthless pragmatism.坚决   务实

I'll stay out of the fray. I give you my word.我不参与争论   我向你保证






刚表态过的朋友 (2 人)

发表评论 评论 (9 个评论)

回复 gdsir 2015-3-13 09:05
回复 璐璐伊莎莉 2015-7-1 20:10
so wonderful
回复 wenwu 2015-9-8 15:29
回复 cz6498 2015-10-24 20:14
回复 jrh9511 2018-10-22 14:57
回复 你好吗 2019-4-8 09:23
回复 你好吗 2019-4-10 14:01
You have the skeletons
回复 andrefan 2021-2-15 11:28
the right side of history.不是所有人都能


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