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发表于 2014-5-21 14:24:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

非常喜欢《超凡蜘蛛侠》这部电影,我倒不是非想从美学或内涵上替它辩护什么,事实上也没什么可辩护的。就像我也很喜欢威尔史密斯的《全民超人汉考克》,我认为这两部电影都是很好的文本,用来证明超级英雄片的确是一种类型,而且其逻辑结构已经越发明显。The Amazing Spider-man里面地道英语表达和剧本台词也有很多可以吸取养份之处,现摘录一些与同好们共同分享:


[41:34.53]Didn't you forget something? 你是不是忘了什么?
[41:37.24]What? 什么?
[41:38.53]Now, don't answer that, but I'm glad to know it's working. 别接,不过我很高兴它还能用
[41:43.41]You owe your aunt an apology bigtime. 你要好好向你婶婶道歉
[41:49.42]Be a man. 像个男子汉一样
[41:50.50]Get in there and apologize. 进去道歉
[41:55.72]I'm sorry, Aunt May, I... 对不起,梅婶婶,我…
[41:57.34]Honestly, you don't have... 老实说,你不用
[41:58.80]...to apologize to me. It's your-- 向我道歉,你的…
[42:00.56]- The hell he doesn't. - Ben. - 谁说不用 - 本
[42:03.23]Look, I'm sorry, I got distracted. 听着,非常抱歉 其他事情让我分心了
[42:05.27]- Oh, he got distracted. - Yeah. - 他分心了 - 是的
[42:07.35]Your aunt, my wife, had to walk 12 blocks alone... 你阿姨,我的妻子 她要一个人在半夜走12条街区
[42:10.65]...in the middle of the night and then wait in a deserted subway station... 然后在一个偏僻的地铁站等车
[42:14.28]...because you got distracted. 就因为你分心了
[42:15.70]Ben, sweetheart, honestly... 本,亲爱的,老实说
[42:17.53]...I am completely capable of walking home-- 我完全能够自己走回家
[42:19.74]You will not defend this boy! 你不用袒护他
[42:21.95]- I'm not defending-- - You are! - 我没有袒护… - 你在袒护他
[42:23.41]- Listen to me, son. - Yeah, go ahead. - 听我说,孩子 - 好的,说吧
[42:26.08]You're a lot like your father. 你很像你父亲
[42:27.79]You really are, Peter, and that's a good thing... 真的,彼得,这是件好事
[42:30.46]...but your father lived by a philosophy, a principle, really. 但你父亲是个有信念,有原则的人
[42:33.76]He believed that if you could do good things for other people... 他认为如果你能够为他人做善事
[42:37.26]...you had a moral obligation to do those things. 你就有道德职责去做那些事情
[42:39.89]That's what's at stake here. 这才是关键
[42:41.64]Not choice. 不是选择
[42:42.81]Responsibility. 而是责任
[42:46.98]That is nice. That's great. 说得很好,非常棒
[42:50.40]That's all well and good. So where is he? 说得非常好听,那他在哪里?
[42:53.48]- What? - Where is he? - 什么? - 他在哪里?
[42:56.03]Where's my dad? 我爸爸在哪里?
[42:57.99]He didn't think it was his responsibility to be here to tell me himself? 他不觉得亲口把这些话告诉我 是他的责任吗?
[43:01.66]Oh, come on, how dare you? 天啊,你竟敢这样说
[43:03.16]How dare I? How dare you? 我竟敢这样说? 是你怎么敢这样说?
[43:09.50]Where you going? 你要去哪里?
[43:10.67]Peter, come back here, please. 彼得,回来,拜托
[43:22.01]Ben, leave him alone for a little while. He'll be all right. 本,让他一个人待一会吧 他会没事的
[43:38.15]Peter! 彼得
[43:41.82]Peter? 彼得
[43:48.87]Peter! 彼得
[43:55.46]It's $2.07. 2美元7美分
[43:59.88]It's $2.07. 2美元7美分
[44:01.09]Yeah. No, I know. 是的,我知道
[44:02.59]Yeah, you're holding up the line. No. 后面还有人等着结帐,不行
[44:05.60]You can leave a penny, you can't take a penny. 你可以留下一美分 但是你不能拿走一美分
[44:08.98]- What? - You can leave... - 什么? - 你随时可以
[44:10.44]...a penny anytime, you have to spend 10 dollars... 放零钱进去 你要花10美元
[44:13.23]...to take a penny. It's store policy. 才能拿走一美分,商店规定
[44:15.32]- You're holding up my line. - I don't have 2 cents. - 你要付钱吗?别人等着结帐 - 我没有两美分
[44:17.90]You can't afford milk, step aside. 没钱买牛奶就站到一边
[44:19.74]Daddy didn't give you enough milk money today? 爸爸今天没有给够牛奶钱吗?
[44:22.16]We're talking about 2 cents. 这只是两美分
[44:23.66]Just step aside, kid. 站到一边,小子
[44:31.54]Really? 开玩笑吗?
[44:45.76]Yo, not cool, bro. 这简直糟透了
[44:50.10]Hey, man, stop! 伙计,停下来
[44:51.43]Somebody stop that guy! 谁来拦住那个人
[44:53.06]Hey, kid, little help? 孩子,帮帮忙好吗?
[44:54.60]Not my policy. 我没有这个责任
[44:56.40]Somebody stop that dude! 谁来拦住那个人
[44:58.61]Hey! Hey, stop! 停下来
[45:01.90]Somebody stop that dude! 谁来拦住那个人
[45:12.21]Hey! 别跑
[45:43.61]Oh, God, oh, God. 天啊
[45:45.66]Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. 本叔叔,本叔叔
[45:47.82]Call an ambulance! 快叫救护车
[45:49.62]Someone call an ambulance! Uncle Ben, Uncle Ben. 谁快点叫救护车来,本叔叔
[45:52.66]Oh, God, oh, my God. 我的天啊
[45:58.00]Oh, God. 天啊
[46:03.09]No. 不
[46:06.63]Oh, Jesus. 天啊
[46:12.52]Witnesses gave a description to the sketch artist. I need you to take a look. 目击者向素描家描述了凶手 我需要你辨认一下
[46:20.86]No, I don't know him. 不,我不认识他
[46:23.65]I didn't expect you would, ma'am. Homicide detectives... 我也不指望你认识他,夫人 刑警
[46:26.57]...are on it. We'll see what they turn up. 正在调查此案 我们看看他们有什么发现
[46:28.70]Okay. 好的

1. Come on. I know a right cross when I see it.
2. I'm afraid duty calls. I will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy.
3. Most of his victims are suspects with rap sheets. They're calling him a vigilante.
4. Go figure.
5. He’s a character.
6. I was touching up stuff.

There are so many things can make you happy. Don't focus too much on things that make you sad.


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发表于 2015-5-29 14:55:11 | 显示全部楼层
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