off the hook是个很有意思的短语.它在生活中常用的意思归纳为如下四种,但有两种是词典里找不到的.
先来看看它在里可以找到的两种意思.第一是"摆脱困境而不用负上责任".这是由off the hook的字面意思"脱钩”引申而来的(一旦脱了钩,就不用再被束缚住).举例如下:
Professor: I have noticed that these three paragraphs in your paper are exactly the same as this onlinearticle.
Student: I listened the website in the bibliography!(学生:我在参考文献里列出了网址啊!)
Professor: That doesn’t get you off the hook. You can’t copy whole paragraphs word for word. It’s plagiarism.(教授:那可不代表你就没事了.)
第二是"电话没挂上".hook up是"连接",off the hook自然就是"断开", 特指电话没挂好,线路不通.举例如下:
I’ve been calling home all day, and it’s always the busy signal. The phone must be off the hook.(我往家里打了一整天电话,总是忙音.肯定是电话没挂好.)
再来看看off the hook在词典里找不到的两种意思.第一是"连续不断".这和上面提到的第二种意思紧密相连,特指不断电话打进来(因为老要接听,像是电话没挂上似的).举例如下:
Carrie: Your cell has been rining off the hook today! What’s going on? (Carrie:你的手机今天响个没完没了.怎么回事?)
Richard: I don’t know. Every time I pick it up, it’s dead silence. (Richard:不知道.每次接起来,都没人说话.)
Carrie: Sounds scary. Why don’t you turn it off for a while? (carie:听起来蛮恐怖的.为什么不干脆关一会儿机?)
Richard: I can’t. I’m expecting an important call.(Richard:不行啊.我在等一个重要电话.)
第二种未收入词典的意思是"棒, 酷".它跟awesome类似,在不同的语言一干二净下可以翻译成不同的意思.比如:
He body is off the hook! Totally lives up to her supper model title.(她的身材简直没话说!真不愧是超级模特.)
Did you go to the party last weekend? It was off the hook! 9你参加了上个周末的派对吗?太好玩子!)
off the hook的这种用法对我来说有特别的纪念意义. 有一次我和两个朋友在一家中餐馆吃自助餐,我去拿菜的时候正好上来一盆刚出炉的鸡肉.一个黑人在我前面,一边往自己盘里夹肉,一边很大声地说了一句"Man, the chicken is off the hook!”("这鸡肉太棒了!”)他的语调非常好玩,我回到座位后偷偷学给朋友看,结果大家都笑得喷饭.从此之后,off the hook成了我和朋友共同的口头禅.