You do not want Mike Tyson in his prime. 你不会希望遭遇全盛时期的麦克·泰森
A good matador doesn't try to kill afresh bull, You wait until he's been stuck a few times. 斗牛士不会杀一头刚出场的牛,你得等牛被刺了几次之后再说
If someone has a problem with you and they come to you in person, you do what you can to take care of it. But if they take that beef public, the ground just falls out from beneath them where I'm from, You find yourself all alone. 如果有人和你不愉快,还亲自找上你,你就要尽力解决这个问题。但是如果他们当着大家的面抱怨,那么按照我们当地的习俗,局面马上会从下至上彻底翻转,你会发现你只是孤身一人。
Now, I want you to go back to yourBloomberg, and cut bait on your losers... you know the ones. The ones you've been defending, hoping they'll come round, but, secretly, you know never will. I want you to just commit that you're in it for the long haul, that you will succeed. And once you do that, the new ideas, the winners, will present themselves, because you are a winner. 现在,回到你的彭博平台,斩掉那些亏损的仓位。你清楚是哪些,你一直在死扛着,希望它们会逆转......但私心里,你知道它们永远不会。我要你保证:你准备好打持久战,你终将成功!当你那么做时,新的思路、盈利品种 会自然地展现出来,因为你是个成功者!
Chuck:Would you turn off your fucking shrink swith? Wendy:--Let's take this down a notch. 查克:你最好少在我面前玩你心理专家这一套! 温蒂:我们还是缓一缓吧。 解析:take sth down a notch,从字面意思来看是指将事情降一个等级。引申翻译成中文,具体需要结合语境。比如当两个人争吵,一方想缓和气氛,就可以用这句话表达双方都冷静一下。
World's full of snipers, but bobby runs a clean shop. 这世上想要搞垮他的人很多,但是波比的生意干干净净。 Like Warren Buffett says, "you put a police car on anyone's tail for 500 miles, he's gonna get a ticket." 正如沃伦·巴菲特如说的:“你让一辆警车随便跟踪一个人车后面五百公里,这人一定得吃罚单。”