Sometimes a rose is just a rose, Jewelry, that's another story. 有时候玫瑰就只是玫瑰,如果是珠宝…那就另当别论
If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. 要是男人超过三十岁还是单身,那他一定有问题
It's Darwinian. They're being weeded out from propagating the species. 他们在进化过程中被淘汰
What about us? 那我们怎么说?
We're just choosey. 我们只是太挑剔了
That was the day I came face to face With my freak. 就在那天,我遇见了奇怪的自己
The frightening woman whose fear ate her sanity. 一个理智被恐惧吃掉的疯女人
The truth is, it isn't just the men. It's all of us. 事实上:不只是男人,而是每一个人
Anyone who's single in Manhattan gets a little freaked out from time to time. 每一个曼哈顿的未婚男女 有时会做出怪异的举动
But we keep trying, 但是我们仍不放弃,
because you have to figure......因为你得搞清楚...
if the world's fattest twins can find love, there's hope for all of us. 最胖的双胞胎可以找到真爱 我们也可以
Somewhere out there is another little freak who will love us, understand us......会爱我们,了解我们
and kiss our three heads and make it all better. 亲吻我们的三个怪头,安慰我们
The fact is, the act of cheating is de-fined by the act of getting caught. 偷情的行为 要看有没有被抓到而定
One doesn't exist without the other. 两者不能独立存在
Once you try to change a man, it's doomed. They won't budge. 你也不可能改变男人,他绝不会让步
The things you can work on are hair and wardrobe. 你所能做的就是在发型和穿着上做文章
Even then, it's a constant battle. 不过连那也是长期抗争
When Single men have money, it's to their advantage. 如果一个单身男子有钱,这将是他的优势。
If a Single woman has money, it's a problem to be dealt with. 但是如果一个单身女子有钱,这将是个麻烦。
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