
楼主 |
发表于 2014-5-14 00:30:04
那些在空荡荡的走廊里盘着腿思考的人啊,那些在黄昏的阳台上看着夕阳死去的人啊,那些在书架间长久站立后换个姿势的人啊,不要轻易让那些一闪而过的念头打败你的所有热情和动力,无声的背景音乐一直在生活中流淌缭绕着每一份喜悦与惊讶、哀伤和忧患,所有的所作所为不是无人注视而他们终将有目共睹,告诉自己" I've got a dream to remember"
还不是take a bow的时候,你,准备好了么
Now it's your time
记住,那一句” Anyway, I made it"里的过去时态将会是一生的骄傲
Marble Jones: When a woman doesn't know who she is and she settles for less, check out your worth, because you're worth more than that
Merry Clayton: and I just stay cool, stay humble, stay beautiful and just do the work
Claudia Lennear: It's been a regret that I didn't just hang in there, especially when I see my contemporaries progressing in their musical lives
I never said it wasn't for me, never. If I did, I was lying to myself. It's always been for me, always.
Just do it, maybe that's one way to get rid of that gnawing once for all
Tata Vega: Opportunity's knocking, open the door, get going, kiddo
Wonder: A lot of it is based on so many other things that have nothing to do with music, but you know, at the end of the day ,it's up to you to perfect that gift that you've been given
PS: Twenty Feet from Stardom 离巨星二十尺,或许”二十尺外是巨星“
特别喜欢Lisa Fischer的声音,she's singing a feather and I’m the feather then.