1.I'm a rainbow in the sky,With so many colours for you to spy.Start with red and yellow then green and blue.I bet you can say purple too.
2.I'm a little hour hand,short and stout.I tell the hour and give a shout!I'm a longer minute hand,Big and tall.I tell the minute and that is all.单词注释:stout [staʊt]
胖子大意:我是短短时针,又短又胖,报整点,叮咚。我是长长分针,又大又长,报分钟,就这样。日常用语《Tell time》两岁左右的宝宝们,已经可以开始认识钟表了,日常生活中随时渗透,某天会惊奇发现,他们会看表了。
This is a clock.这是一个钟表
There are numbers on the face of the clock.上面有很多数字
There are three hands on the clock. 一共有三个指针
Could you tell the difference between them? 能看出区别么
This is the second hand,and it is the longest hand. 这是秒针,它最长
This is the hour hand,and it is the shortest hand. 这是时针,它最短
This is the minute hand,and it is the middle size. 这是分针,它不长也不短
The second hand moves very fast. 秒针走的最快
The hour hand moves very slow. 时针走的最慢
The minute hand tells us the minute of the hour. 分针可以报告分钟
Now tell me what time it is. 看看现在几点啦
It is 9 o'clock. 九点啦
The hour hand is at 9. 时针指着9
The minute hand is at 12.分针指着12
Every hand on the clock travels around a circle in the same direction,and we call this direction "clockwise."所有的针都沿着一个方向转动,我们叫顺时针方向。
拓展:孩子太小,可以先从整点教起,把钟表摆成1-12的整点,然后问:What time is it?It is 8 o'clock.
如果宝宝很小,那么爸爸妈妈可能有很长一段时间自问自答。不过,随着时间积累,宝宝会给你惊喜的。另外,日常生活中,随口问宝宝What time is it?然后给出具体答案,这个时候不要限于整点。让孩子多感受不同时间不同说法,次数多了,他自然就会了。