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[经典台词] 电影《全民追女王》经典台词附解析

发表于 2019-7-28 06:26:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
影视导读:查理兹·塞隆联手赛斯·罗根的R级爱情喜剧《全民追女王》讲述失业记者弗莱德偶遇自己儿时的保姆和梦中情人夏洛特,而她已经成为美国国务卿并将竞选美国总统,弗莱德加入夏洛特的总统竞选公关团队,俩人产生了奇妙的火花。这部电影有很多精彩对白和经典台词值得学习观摩 。


ReportersAfter negotiating the release of Lieutenant Gary Smith...

------>> Charlotte Field's popularity continues to skyrocket...

------>> In the newest Gallup poll, 68%...
解析:(Gallup poll:盖洛普民意测验--美国舆论研究所进行的调查项目,目前仍被广泛使用,具有相当高的权威性)

------>>...are women mentally unfit to hold the presidency?
------>> Here to chat about it is Chris Brown,
------>> Jeremy Piven, and BrettRatner.
------>> In the wake of her successful hostage negotiation,
解析:(In the wake of:if something happens in the wake of an event, it happens afterwards and usually as a result of it.--伴随......而来的)

------>> Charlotte Field's poll numbers keep going up.
------>> I'd like to apologize to Charlotte, and anyone out there
------>> who was upset yesterday when I called her Booby-McBoobson.

ManGive me the president's office.
MaggieCan I talk to you for a second?
CharlotteOf course.
MaggieWe got some new polling that I thought I'd share with you.
CharlotteAll right.
MaggieIt feels like everything is kinda falling into place for us.
解析:(Falling into place:When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems. --朝着对......有利的方面发展)

------>> So we thought we'd dig a little deeper and make sure there are no surprises.
解析:(Dig sth deeper:If you dig deep , you do a very thorough investigation into something. --深挖、彻查)

CharlotteWhy are you acting so weird?
MaggieIt's good. We got some really helpful feedback --from the public.
------>> So we asked a thousand constituents how they would feel
解析:(Constituents:a member of a constituency.--选民)

------>> if, say, Princess Di...
Maggie...if she were to start dating --Guy Fieri.
CharlotteI don't even know who that is.
MaggieThey don't like that.
MaggieOr Kate Middleton --were to start dating Danny DeVito.
CharlotteI see where you're going with this.
MaggiePretty negative reaction. --Or if Jennifer Lawrence
------>> were to start dating thispotato in a teal windbreaker.
------>> They would be very upset.
CharlotteYou did a lot of work, -- and I...
MaggieWell, but, can I just finish?
CharlotteNo, that's, like, a lot of... I get it.
MaggieMadam Secretary. I have no desire to limit your romantic life.
MaggieBut the optics of you and Fred
解析:(Constituents:a member of a constituency.--选民)

------>> will make a presidential runvery challenging.
CharlotteFred is a journalist.
MaggieWho's written some extremely fucked-up stuff.
解析:(Fucked-up:confused, disordered, or damaged. --混乱的、糟糕的)

CharlotteNo. That's exposed some really fucked-up stuff.
解析:(Expose:not covered or hidden; visible.--暴露)

MaggieAnd I just want to know for myself,
------>> you're comfortable with putting everything on the line for a hookup?
解析:(On the line:at risk of failing or being harmed. --处于危险境地; Hookup:a casual sexual encounter. --上不得台面的性爱际遇)

CharlotteOh, my God. Why are we having this conversation?
------>> This is insane. I don't have to explain myself to you.
MaggieI'm sorry. I really don't understand this.
------>> And I fucking love you, Charlotte.
------>> I want you to be happy.
------>> But more than that, I want you to be in charge.
------>> And I want you to be president.
------>> For the sake of the future of our country.
解析:(For the sake of:in order to help, improve, or please someone or something.--为了某种正面或积极的目的)

------>> Look, there's another option.
------>> There's a guy who works for the Secret Service
------>> whose job it is to handle the mistresses...
CharlotteMaggie. You're gonna have to stop.
MaggieAnd there are a series of tunnels in the White House
解析:(Tunnel:A tunnel is a passage that runs underground or through something.--隧道或地下通道,这里应引申解释为:从事地下活动的秘密渠道)

------>> that Woodrow Wilson...
CharlotteThat's enough.
------>> Fred is not an idea that I'm floating by you for your approval.
解析:(Float:put forward (an idea) as a suggestion or test of reactions.--提出,绿色高亮文字意为:被说服而征求你的同意)

------>> And you're getting very close to crossing a line.
MaggieOkay. Got it. --Goodnight, Madam Secretary.
解析:(Cross a line:to go beyond what is proper or acceptable.--超出界线和踩到红线、雷区)


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