CNN和HuffPost等大部分外媒用的都是trailer,它的英文解释为“an advertisement for a film or a television or radio programme, consisting of short parts taken from it”。
由于这是第一支预告片,所以就是first trailer,临近电影上映可能还会有second trailer或者更多。这也是花木兰的第一支预告片,就是First Mulan Trailer。这还是官方发布的预告片,也有的文章用official trailer。
先导片发布方—华特迪斯尼用了teaser这个词,Urban里的解释为“A short film trailer”,所以teaser和trailer的意思是差不多的。
pilot用于电视剧或者广播节目的第一集,就是试播节目的意思,解释为“a programme that is made to introduce a new radio or television seriesand test how popular it is”。
DailyMail:live remake of 1998 animated classic Mulan.
CNN:Disney's "Mulan" live-action remake is here.Forbes:live-action redo of Mulan.
Independent:live-action remake of the 1998 animated film Mulan.
Gamespot:live-action Disney adaptation of a classic animated movie.