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[看电影学英语] 电影《在云端》经典台词中英文对照

发表于 2020-9-30 10:16:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NataliePerhaps you're underestimating the positive effect或许您低估了职业转变
------>> that your career transitioncan have on your children. 可能给孩子们带来的积极影响
BobThe positive effect? 积极影响
------>> I make about 90 grand a yearnow. 我现在每年大约赚9
------>> Unemployment is what - 250bucks a week? 而失业后每星期只能拿250块钱
------>> Is that one of your positiveeffects? 这就是所谓的积极影响吗
------>> Well we'll get to be cozierbecause我还不起住房贷款了
------>> I'm not gonna pay themortgage for me house. 我怎么能过的舒坦
------>> So maybe we can move into anice fucking我们只能搬到
------>> one-bedroom apartmentsomewhere. 只有一间卧室的房子里住
------>> And I guess withoutbenefits, 我猜没有收入以后
------>> I'll be able to hold mydaughter as she… 万一我女儿哮喘病发作
------>> you know, suffers from herasthma我也只能抱着她
------>> that I won't be able toafford the medication for. 因为我没钱送她去医院
NatalieWell... tests have shown that children调查证明经受适当心理创伤的孩子
------>> under moderate trauma have atendency to能够激发潜能
------>> apply themselvesacademically... as a method of coping. 提高成绩也是一种应对方式
BobGo fuck yourself. 去死吧你
------>> That's what my kids'llthink. 我的孩子们只会这么想
RyanYourchildren's admiration is important to you? 孩子们的崇拜对你来说很重要是吧
BobYeah, it was. 是的很重要
------>> Well, I doubt they everadmired you, Bob. 我怀疑他们是否崇拜过你鲍勃
BobHey, asshole, aren't you supposed to be consoling me? 混蛋 你不是来安慰我的吗
RyanI'm not ashrink, Bob. I'm a wake-up call. 鲍勃我不是心理专家 只是给你提个醒
------>> You know why kids loveathletes? 你知道孩子们为什么崇拜运动员吗
BobI don't know, because they screw lingerie models? 不知道 因为他们能搞内衣模特吗
RyanNo, that'swhy we love athletes. 那是我们喜欢运动员的原因
RyanKids loveathletes孩子们喜欢运动员
------>> because they follow theirdreams. 是因为他们追求自己的梦想
BobWell, I can't dunk. 但我不会扣篮
RyanNo, but youcan cook. 是的但你会烹饪
BobWhat are you talking about? 你在说什么
RyanYour resumesays that你的简历上写着
------>> You minored in Frenchculinary arts. 你辅修过法国烹饪艺术
------>> Most students, they work onthe fryer at KFC, 大部分学生只会去肯德基打工
------>> but you bussed tables at ILPicador to support yourself. 你却在皮卡多学了一门可以养家的手艺
------>> Then you get out of college你毕业后
------>> and then you come and workhere. 就来到了这工作
------>> How much did they first payyou他们最初给你多少薪水
------>> to give up on your dreams? 让你放弃了梦想
Bob27 grand a year. 一年27
RyanAnd whenwere you going to stop你打算什么时候离开这份工作
------>> and come back and do whatmakes you happy? 去做你真正喜欢的事情
BobGood question. 问得好
RyanI see guyswho work at the same company我见过一辈子
------>> for their entire lives,都在同一家公司工作的人
------>> guys exactly like you. 就像你这样
------>> They clock in, they clockout, and他们打卡上下班
------>> they never have a moment ofhappiness. 却从未感受过一丝开心
------>> You have an opportunityhere, Bob. 现在你的机会来了鲍勃
------>> This is a rebirth. 这是你重生的机会
------>> If not for you, do it foryour children. 如果不为自己那就为你的

Apply oneself…To try hard or concentrate one's abilities(toward something). Without the preposition "to," it refers to aconcentrated effort in general.


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