
Giuseppe Conlon: I want you have some respect.
Gerry Conlon: Respect for who?
Giuseppe Conlon: For yourself.
(after hearing of his father's death)
Gareth Peirce: (With tears in her eyes) Well, I think they ought to take the word 'compassion' out of the English dictionary.
Gareth Peirce:(眼含泪水)我想他们应该把同情这个词从英国字典中拿掉。
Gerry Conlon: Was I always bad, was I?
Giuseppe Conlon: Not always.
Gerry Conlon: I don't deserve to spend the rest of my life in here do I?
Giuseppe Conlon: All they done was block out the light.
(points to his head)
Giuseppe Conlon: They can't block out the light in here.
Gerry Conlon: What I remember most about my childhood is holding your hand. My wee hand in your big hand, and the smell of tobacco. I remember, I could smell the tobacco in the palm of your hand. When I want to feel happy, I try to remember the smell of tobacco.
Gerry Conlon:我对童年印象最深的就是握着你的手。我的小手在你的大手里,还有烟草的味道。我记得,我能闻到你手掌里烟草的味道。当我想感到快乐时,我就试着回忆烟草的味道。
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm going to die.
Gerry Conlon: Don't be saying that.
Gerry Conlon:别这么说。
Giuseppe Conlon: I'm scared.
Gerry Conlon: There's no reason to be scared. You have nothing to be scared about.
Gerry Conlon:没有害怕的理由。你没什么可害怕的。
Giuseppe Conlon: Don't you be comforting me when I can see the truth staring me in the face. I'm scared I'm gonna die here.
Gerry Conlon: You're not dying alright?
Gerry Conlon:你不会死的,好么?
Giuseppe Conlon: Can I not say a thing without you contradicting me? I'm scared to leave your mother behind.
Gerry Conlon: Look, you are not going to die alright? If you do, sure I can look after Ma alright.
Gerry Conlon:瞧,你不会死的,好么?如果你死了,我一定会好好照顾妈妈。
Giuseppe Conlon: You think I'd leave Sara in your care?
Gerry Conlon: What do you mean?
Gerry Conlon:什么意思?
Giuseppe Conlon: You haven't the maturity to take care of yourself, let alone your mother.