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发表于 2015-2-1 23:16:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要: Netflix黑色政治剧《纸牌屋》第二季播出完毕后,各方媒体及职业影视评论人对此剧的表现褒贬不一,不过有绝大多数观众的认可、少数影视评论人的疯狂吐糟自然阻止不了凯文·史派西荣膺第72届金球奖最佳男主角的称号... ...

kevin spacey & Robbin Write

kevin spacey & Robbin Write







The second season of this Netflix political drama proved that it may be the worst-written show on all of TV (well, it's not actually on TV, but whatever). The whole story is filled with massive plot holes. Maybe that's the point, that the show itself is a house of cards, with flimsy construction and easily torn apart. But either way, I'm not buying it.

In season 2, Frank Underwood completed a complex plot to force the president to resign, thus allowing him to take over the Oval Office. The problem is that the show wants us to think that Frank and his wife are manipulative masterminds when, in reality, every single other character on the show is just painfully stupid.

The president seems to completely and blindly trust Frank for most of the series, until one episode he finally wakes up and realizes that Frank is a sleazy, awful human being who will do anything to gain power. But then a single letter from Frank acknowledging one of his flaws gives the president a complete change of heart. On top of that, the big scandal at the end of the season 2 should (and, realistically, does) have Frank's fingerprints all over it, yet he seems to be completely immune from any of the charges of wrongdoing. All it takes is one schmoozing interview with a journalist to make everything OK.

But that's not the worst part. The worst part came in the season 2 premiere with the shocking and exhilarating murder of Zoe Barnes as Frank pushed her in front of a subway train. The police ruled it a suicide and had video footage of the event to prove it. Surely the cops would've rewound that video 60 seconds to see a mysterious man in a trenchcoat talk to Zoe, walk behind a wall, then see Zoe follow him behind that wall only to "jump" to her death immediately after. At the very least, that should've led to some type of investigation, but instead it was tossed aside and ignored, probably because the show's writers didn't care about that character and storyline anymore and wanted to move on without it having any implications to the plot.

That's the problem with House of Cards. Not only is Frank Underwood single-minded in his quest for power, but the show's writers also seem single-minded. They wanted Frank to become the president at the end of season 2 and logic or gaping plot holes weren't going to stop them.


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