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发表于 2015-2-9 23:16:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Tv is an excellent resource for hearing and listening to English. The pictures help you understand what is being said and TV news is an ideal way to help improve you listening ability because within a short period of time the same news is often repeated. This means that you can watch basically the same news programme several times within a day and that every succeeding programme will help you to understand what is being said.

Getting ready for news listening

To improve your ablity to understand news reports, consider these preparatory steps.

* Find out which news report you want to listen to the news live or make use of video-recorded or archived materials on the web. Working with a videotape is easier than watching the news live as it allows you to replay news reports as often as you like. Using archived materials on the web can be even more convenient.

* Just watch the news reports for a few days first, before requiring yourself to understand the stories. Give yourself time to get familiar with the newreaders and their accents. You should also get an idea of the structure of the entire report as well as the structure of a typical news story.

* Watch the news in chinese first. This will tell you what the main items are and helps prepare you for understanding news reports in English.

While you are listening

A news report is often packed with information. So don't require yourself to understand everything. Set realistic targets. Stop and review a story if necessary to check understanding or to predict what is to follow. Here are a few things that you may try to do:

* You can aim at just getting what a story is about. Give a one-to-two sentence description after each story.

* You can just focus on the lastest development of a story to add to what you already know about it. In this way, you can reduce the listening load substantially and focus better. This strategy is especially useful if the event has been in the news over a period of time.

* Put forward a few question to yourself about a story, and then seek to answer them from your listening. You can do this by stopping the tape as soon as the headline is read to you. Certain questions are typical of different kinds of stories. You will find many example of this questions in the book ITN World News.

* You many write a full transcript of a story to practise intensive listening. This may bring to notice listening problems that have skipped you attention when you only concentrate on the content.

* When you feel that you can cope with a centain news report, try to broaden your capability by listening to a different accent, or by watching other kinds of news programmes(e.g. Cultural Express on CCTV 9).

After you have listened

Even though the listening part is over, some followup activities will help you reinforce your listening:

* Keep a record book for notetaking, vocabulary, or just scribbling. This gives a physical shape to the work that you've done, and motivates you to continue.

* Learn new words and try your best to make them stay learned.

* You may write about the news. For example, you can produce a summary or express you thoughts in a brief article.

* You may talk about the news with one or more friends. This provides an opportunity to clarify what has not been understood in the listening and to express personally opinions.

Equip yourself better for news listening

Vocabulary can be a big problem when you've trying to understand the news. It pays to make extra effort to learn those words that occur frequently in the news. These include:

Names of people and places

Pay attention to names in the news and jot them down in your record book if necessary. Take an active role to find out in English names that you know well in chinese. Use a pronouncing dictionary (Such as dict.cn or kingsoft online dictionary) or ask a fluent or native speaker how they are pronounced.


The media use special words (e.g. regime, junmta, hardliner are common in political news).  They also use words in special ways (e.g. the territory for Hong Kong, the island for Taiwan). Try to build up you knowledge of these useages. A book like longman's Key Words in the Media will be a valuable guide.

Evaluating your progress

It is hard to measure improvement of listening ability precisely. Nevertheless, the following may give you some indication of whether you are making progress:

* Reflect on you general ability to cope with the news at a regular in terval, say every two weeks. Compare this to how you felt at an earlier time.

* Play a news story in short sections. Stop ater each section to retell the content. Assess how many times you need to rewind the tape to get the story accurately.

* If you have a partner watching the same report, you can quiz each other after viewing.

* Assess you knowledge of words that are commonly used in the news. This should be growing gradually. You should not stumble over the same words again and again.


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