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发表于 2015-6-23 18:18:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





1--We're here! time to muscle up. 我们到了  开始搬东西吧
2--Hello? 你好
3--Who's there? 是谁在那儿
4--You scared me to death, you mangy thing.吓死我了  你这混蛋
5--I'm just looking for an old well. knowit? 我在找一口老井  你知道它吗
6--Not talking, huh?不说话  是不是
7--Magic dowser, magic dowser,水脉占卜师  水脉占卜师
8--Show me the well! 告诉我井在哪里
9--Get away from me! 走开
10--Let me guess.我猜猜
11--You're from Texas or Utah, someplacedried-out and barren, right? 你来自干旱贫瘠的德州或犹他州  对吧
12--I heard about water witching before,but it doesn't make sense.我听说过水脉占卜术  但那是扯淡
13--- I mean, it's just an ordinary branch.- It's a dowsing rod. - 这只是个普通的树枝  -这是探矿杖
14--And I don't like being stalked, not bypsycho nerds or their cats! 我不想被人跟踪  不管是神经病还是他的猫
15--He's not really my cat. he's kind offeral. you know, wild.他真不是我的猫  他是野猫
16--Of course, I do feed him every night,当然  我每天晚上都喂他
17--And sometimes he'll come to my windowand bring me little dead things.有时他会来到我窗前给我些死物
18--Look, I'm from pontlac.听着  我来自旁蒂克
19--Michigan. and if I'm a water witch,then where's the secret well?密西根洲的  如果我是占卜师  那井在哪儿
20--You stomp too hard and you'll fail init.你太用力踩踏会掉下去的
21--See? 看到了吧
22--It's supposed to be so deep, if youfell to the bottom and looked up,肯定很深的  如果你掉到井底抬头看时
23--You'd see a sky full of stars in themiddle of the day.你会在正午时分看到满天星斗的
24--Surprised she let you move in.很奇怪她能让你们搬进去
25--My gramma, she owns the pink palace.won't rent to people with kids.我奶奶  粉宫是她的  她从不租给带小孩的人
26--What do you mean? 什么意思
27--I'm not supposed to talk about it. I'mWybie. Wybie Lovat.我不该说这些  我是怀比  怀比·洛瓦特
28--- Wybie? - Short for Wyborne. -怀比  -怀伯的简称
29--Not my idea, of course. what'd you getsaddled with? 强加给我的名字  你被强加什么了
30--I wasn't saddled with anything. It'sCoraline.我没被强加任何事  我叫柯拉琳
31--- Caroline what? - Coraline. CoralineJones. -卡罗琳什么? -是柯拉琳  柯拉琳·琼斯
32--It's not real scientific, but I heardan ordinary name like Caroline这说法不太科学  但我听说像卡罗琳这类正常的名字
33--can lead people to have ordinaryexpectations about a person.能使人们对她有正常的期望
34--Wyborne! 怀伯
35--I think I heard someone calling you,Wyborne.我听见有人叫你了  怀伯
36--- What? I didn't hear anything. - Idefinitely heard someone,-什么  我怎么没听见  -我的确听到了
38--- Wyborne! - Grandma!- 怀伯  -是奶奶
39--Well, great to meet a michigan waterwitch,很高兴见到密歇根州的水脉占卜师
40--But I'd wear gloves next time.但下次我会带手套的
41--- Why? - Cause that dowsing rod ofyours,-为什么  -因为你的探矿杖
42--It's poison oak.是有毒的橡树枝
43--I almost fell down a well yesterday,mom.我昨天差点掉进一个井里  妈妈
44--I would've died.我差点就死了
45--That's nice.很好啊
46--So, can I go out? I think it's perfectweather for gardening.  我能出去吗  我觉得这天气适合搞园艺
47--No, Coraline. rain makes mud. mud makesa mess.不行  柯拉琳  有雨就有泥  有泥就会脏
48--But, mom, I want stuff growing when myfriends come to visit.可是    我想朋友来了能看到植物枝繁叶茂
49--Isn't that why we moved here? 这不是我们搬家到这儿的原因吗
50--Something like that. but then we hadthe accident.差不多吧  但后来出事了
51--- It wasn't my fault you hit thattruck. - I never said it was. - 你撞上卡车不是我的错  -没说是你的错
52--I can't believe it.不敢相信
53--You and dad get paid to write aboutplants, and you hate dirt.你和父亲靠写植物赚钱  可你却讨厌泥土
54--Coraline, I don't have time for youright now,柯拉琳  我现在没有时间陪你
55--And you still have unpacking to do.lots of unpacking.而且你还有东西要收拾  很多东西
56--That sounds exciting! 听起来真不错
57--Oh. some kid left this on the frontporch.有个小孩把这个放在前廊了
58--Hey, Jonesy. Look what I found inGramma's trunk.约翰  看我在奶奶的卡车里发现什么了
59--Look famiIiar? Wybie眼熟吧  怀比
60--A little me? That's weird.小不点的我  真怪
61--What's his name, anyway? 不管怎样  他叫什么
62--Wybie. and I'm way too old for dolls.怀比  我过了玩娃娃的年龄了
63--Hey, dad. how's the writing going?老爸  文章写得怎么样
64--Dad! 老爸
65--Hello, Coraline and Coraline doll.你好  柯拉琳和柯拉琳娃娃
66--Do you know where the garden tools are?你知道园艺工具在哪里吗
67--It's... it's pouring out there, isn'tit? 都在那边堆着吧  不是吗
68--- It's just raining. - What'd the bosssay? -下雨了  -老板怎么说
69--''Don't even think about going out,Coraline Jones!''连出去的念头都不要有  柯拉琳·琼斯
70--Then you won't need the tools.那你就不需要这些工具了
71--You know, this house is 150 years old.你知道  这房子有150年了
72--- So? - So explore it .- 那怎么了 -去探查一下
73--Go out and count all the doors andwindows and write that down on...出去数数有多少门窗然后记下来
74--List everything that's blue. just letme work.列上所有蓝色的东西  让我干活吧
75--No. no, no, no. no.     千万别
76--One boring blue boy in a painfullyboring painting.一幅痛苦无聊的油画中有一个讨厌的男孩
77--Four incredibly boring windows四个无比令人厌烦的窗户
78--And no more doors.没有门了
79--All right, little me. where are youhiding?好吧  小不点的我  你藏在哪里
80--Hey, mom. where does this door go?妈妈  这扇门通向哪里
81--I'm really, really busy.我真的很忙  很忙
82--I think it's locked.我想它锁住了
83--Please! 求你了
84--Will you stop pestering me if I do thisfor you? 帮你打开后就不要再来烦我
86--Bricks? I don't get it.就是砖吗  我不明白
87--They must've closed this off when theydivided up the house.肯定是分家时把它封住了
88--You're kidding. and why is the door sosmall?真的吗  为什么门这么小


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-23 18:27:41 | 显示全部楼层
Pete Kozachik, ASC details his approach to the 3-D digital stop-motion feature Coraline, whose heroine discovers a sinister world behind the walls of her new home. (总摄影师Pete Kozachik ASC专访:《鬼妈妈》定格动画制作由来)


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