
Evangeline:You used to be as close as anthing.
Simon:Not any more. All he cares about now is getting himself a nice new wife.
Evangeline:Well... I don't know if that's true or not, but it might be nice to have a new mother.
Tora:Don't you know anything about the world, Evangeline? Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves.
Evangeline:You don't know that.
Eric:Plenty of hard evidence for it. There isn't one stepmother in there who's even halfway decent. They're an evil breed. Anyway, who ever likes other people's children?
Evangeline:I like you.
Eric:Yes, but you're a servant. You're paid to like us. That doesn't count.
托拉:你连这个都不知道 伊凡吉玲? 不论他娶了谁,那人都会很坏,把我们当奴隶对待。
埃里克:这儿有足够的证据:没有一个继母有好心,她们的血统是邪恶的? 不过也是:谁会爱他人的孩子呢?
埃里克:是的,但你是佣人 付钱给你你才喜欢我们的,这不能算的。
Nanny McPhee: There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go. It's rather sad, really, but there it is.
[Nanny McPhee turns around to walk out of the room, but stops once she hears Simon]
Simon Brown: We will never want you!
Nanny McPhee: Then I will never go.
但你们不想要我时, 我就留下来。
当你们想留下我, 而我没有必要
再管束你们时, 我就得离开了。
真的, 但必须这样。
[Repeated line]
Nanny McPhee: The person you need is Nanny McPhee.
Nanny McPhee: How's the reading coming along?
Evangeline: Oh... all right. I still haven't gotten to the end of the story, though.
Nanny McPhee: There's no need. You are the end of the story.
——没有必要了, 你就是那个故事的结尾。
Great Aunt Adelaide: If there's one thing I won't stand for, it's loose vowels!
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Narrator: Hello. Unfortunately, we must start the story with an empty chair. If it wasn't empty however we wouldn't have a story. But, it is, and we do, so we must tell it.
Tora: [descussing the mishaps at the Tea with their father]The toad in the teapot. And the worms in the sandwiches.
Sebastian: That was my idea!... I mean my fault.
——那个是我的主意!我是说, 是我的错。
Do not forget that someone has to go with your great-aunt and it cannot be the donkey, can it?
别忘了, 总得有人和你们那位伟大的姑妈一起走。总不能让驴和她走吧?
Mr. Brown: It wasn't really the baby they were eating. It was a chicken, actually.
请听我说, 他们没吃婴儿。吃的其实只是一只鸡。
Mr. Brown: l shall have to marry...Quickly.