影视导读:17岁的麦克是学校里的风云人物,本来可以凭借出色的球技被保送大学的他,却为了爱情义无反顾地放弃了一切。20年后,人到中年的麦克却一事无成,因为他所有的时间都在向妻子斯嘉丽抱怨,他相信如果当初选择另一条路的话,今天一定会大有不同。机会来了,麦克又回到了17岁,可以重新选择,然而,一番波折之后,他还是选择了同样的道路。Mike 终于明白,原来一直以来在身边陪伴自己的妻子就是生命中最珍贵的宝贝。

Mike: What the hell are you doing? Hey, that's my stuff. Why are you destroying our yard?
Scarlet: It's not our yard. It's my yard, remember? You took the road not taken. And I get the yard. I'm going to turn it into a showpiece for my clients.
Mike: Clients of what? 什么客户?
Scarlet:Landscape design. 'm going to show people what I can do. 园林设计。我要让人们知道我的本事。
Mike: Yeah, well, the divorce isn't final for another two weeks, so you have no right.
Scarlet:Really? So I've spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whine about the things you could've done without me, and I have no right?
Mike: It's just I put a lot of work into this yard. 只是因为我在这个院子上花了很多工夫。
Scarlet:Did you? Really? Like the barbeque pit? 有吗?真的吗?比如这个烧烤炉?
Mike: Yeah. 是的。
Scarlet:Yeah. The way I remember that is that you spent about an hour working on it and then you spent the next two days complaining about if you had gone to college, you could've hired someone else to do it.
Mike: I don't think it was a whole two days. 我应该没有抱怨两天吧。
Scarlet:Or the hammock over here. 或者是这张吊床。
Mike: Yeah? 怎么了?
Scarlet:I think you quit that one because you just decided not to try anymore. 我觉得你只是因为不想再尝试一下,所以就半途而废了。
Mike: Look, try to see things from my point of view. I am extremely disappointed with my life. 听着,你应该站在我的角度考虑一下。我对自己的生活失望透了。
Scarlet:I never asked you to marry me. 我从未央求你一定要娶我。
Mike: Yeah, but I did. 是的,但我还是娶了你。
Scarlet:.Well ... you don't have to do me any more favors, then. We're not going to hold each other back anymore, okay? 好吧……你不用再好心为我做这么多事了。我们不用再相互忍让对方了,好吗?
Mike: Scar... 斯嘉……
Scarlet:.I'll see you at court, okay? At the trial. 我们法院见。判决时再说。
以下为重回17 岁的麦克在法庭上动情地对妻子“念” 出中年麦克的一封“信”,而其实“信”上空空如也,麦克不过是在说出自己的心里话:
This is a letter from Mike O'Donnell. 这是麦克欧唐诺写的信 He wanted me to read it.他要我念出来 ''Scarlet...史嘉莉… before you go through with this...在你做这件事以前 l want to remind you of September7th, 1988.请你回想1988年9月7日 lt was the first time that l saw you.那是我第一次见到你 You were reading Less Than Zero.你当时在看"零下的激情" You were wearing a Guns N' roses Tshirt.身上穿着枪与玫瑰的T恤 l'd never seen anything so perfect.我没看过那么美的画面 l remember thinking that l had tohave you, or l'd die.我记得当下就觉得我没有你会死 Then you whispered that you lovedme at the homecoming dance...在返校舞会上,你轻声对我说你爱我
And l felt...so peaceful...and safe...当时我觉得…好平静...好安心 Because l knew that no matter whathappened...因为我知道不管发生什么事 from that day on, nothing couldever be that bad.从那天起,厄运都会消失
Because l had you, And then l grew up...因为我有了你,然后我长大了
And l lost my way,and l blamed you for my failures.. 我迷失了方向,把我的失败怪到你头上
And l know that you think you have todo this today. 我知道你觉得事已不可为
l don't want you to.我不要你这样想
But l guess...if l love you...但是我想…如果我爱你
l should let you move on.'' 我就应该让你自由