
Mother:Hi, honey, how was work? Keith:It's all right.
Mother:When are you gonna cut your hair? Keith: - I'll get it cut, Mom. Cindy:Mom, you're flapping your lips in vain. Keith vacated.
Flapping sb's lips in vain:直译徒劳或者没有意义地浪费口舌,也可以用作“对牛弹琴”的对应翻译。
Father:Keith! Keith, is that you? Keith:Yep. Father:Hey pal, I'm checking out some colleges. Keith:Dad, you're going to college? That's great. Father:If I'd gone to college, I wouldn't be selling tyres six days a week. That's what you're gonna be doing if you don't get with the program. Come here. Take a look at a couple of these. A bunch of new ones came in the mail today. Co-ed Phys Ed! Keith:Can I do this later? Father:Jesus, Keith...I'm not trying to break your back here, pal. Keith:I know. Father:I just want you get off the dime and think about your future. You got a shot to be the first guy in this family who didn't have to wash his hands after day’s work.
Co-ed Phys ED!:全称:Co-EUDUCATIONAL PHYSCICAL EDUCATION,男女混合体育学校。Co前缀多指共同/混合/附加体,如Co-workers, Co-pilot, Co-sponsors, Co-director, Co-founders...
Get off the dime:dime的意思是10分铸币(即少数的钱),该短语意指:不要浪费时间在没有多大意义的事情上面。 Get a shot to do sth/to be sb:有机会做某件事或成为某个人。
关于Get off the dime的原始出处,有兴趣的不妨了解下:
“Get off the dime” dates back to the days of dance halls and “taxi dancers,” women employed by the halls to dance with strangers, usually for ten cents per dance (a grim occupation immortalized in the 1930 Rodgers and Hart song “Ten Cents a Dance”). A contemporary account, published in 1925, explains the phrase: “Sometimes a … [dancing] couple would … scarcely move from one spot. Then the floor manager would cry ‘Git off dat dime!'” Similarly, “dancing on the dime” meant to dance very closely with very little movement, behavior that might well attract the attention of the Vice Squad and get the hall closed. Thus “get off the dime” referred both to the the customer as the “dime” he had paid and to the small spot (“dime”) on the floor where the couple seemed frozen.
Laura:Hi, I'm looking for that song about the guythat killed himself for the girl that hated his guts? Do you know what song I'm talkingabout? Keith:Do you understand the concept of the word "privacy"? Laura:Yes, I do. And that's why I never let anyone in my room. Keith:Get out of here before I throw your assout my window. Laura:God, are you in a nice mood today. Keith:I said,get out here. Laura:Is this a side effect of being massively unliked, or what? Keith:(Drag his sister out of the room) Laura:I get a black and blue mark, you're dead!
Hate sb's guts:为某非常憎恨,达到恨之入骨的级别。 Black and blue mark:形容皮肤因受到伤害(如掐捏或撞击)而出现青一块紫一块的印痕。
Father:Stay out of his room. And you, you see me if you have a problem before you start roughing her up. Keith:What right does she have to break intomy room, Dad? And I did not rough her up, she… Laura:I have practically no feeling left in the upper part of my upper arm. Father:Drop it. Cindy:You know, that suggests a circulatory problem. See,I'd put more fibreinto my diet but less time on the phone. Laura:Shut up, please. Cindy:- It's my pleasure. Laura:I wish just once you guys could experience the humiliation of having the weirdest guy in a huge school be a blood relative. Mother:I think your father said drop it. Laura:This whole family revolves around Keith. And I'm sick of it! Mother:Laura, that is absolutely not true, andyou know it.
Rough someone up:对某人动粗、使虐 Circulatory problem:死循环或无解的问题 Revolve around somebody:围绕 ... 旋转,以...为主要内容,在这里指偏袒或维护某人
Keith:Can I ask you a question? Do you knowa girl named Amanda Jones? Watts:In school? What about her? Keith:- What do you think of her? Watts:Rat bait. Why? Keith:Just curious. Watts:What about? Keith:Her... Who she is. Watts:Because she's beautiful, right? Guys are so sickening. Really, It must be a drag to be a slave to the male sex drive. Keith:I didn't say anything about sex. Watts:Oh. Want to start a book club with her? Keith:I didn't say I wanted to do anything with her. I just think she's interesting. Watts:Don't go mistake paradise for a pair of long legs. Keith:What's that mean? Watts:Don't go roaming where you don't belong. It's just an opinion. Keith:I express an interest in someone I don't even know and you're getting tense. Watts:This is not tension, this is reason. The way this girl and her big-money, cruel-heart society spit on everyone is not interesting, it's pathetic. Keith:She's not big money. Do you know where she lives? Watts:Yeah. In our sector. But she runs with the rich and beautiful, which is guilt by association. So... this is getting stale. You calling out for food? Keith:No. You can call if you want. Don't you ever eat at home? Watts:I... I don't like to eat alone... Amanda Jones? Keith:Forget about it. It's nothing. It's not important. Watts:You couldn't score her in a million years. A: You're too shy and closed up to even approach her; And B: She'd kill you. Chicks like her have one thing on their mind and you don't make enough of it to matter to her. Keith:You can't judge a book by its cover. Watts:Yeah, but you can tell how much it's gonna cost. Keith:That's deep. Watts:You want shallow, call Amanda Jones.
Red Bait:西方人用来形容“红颜祸水”的形象比喻 Go mistake paradise for sth:将...认做是香饽饽,用在这里形容:不要给看到几分颜色就说灿烂的意思。 To score sb:获得某人的好感,或赢得异性的倾慕 You can't judge a book by its cover:西方人用来表达“以貌取人”的形象比喻