Banker:Your father left very little of value. 你父亲没留下多少值钱的东西
The house, two derelict mines, a few decaying cottages. 大宅、两座废矿以及几幢残破的农舍
The land, I fear, has been left to rot? 你们家的地怕是没人照料了吧 Ross Poldark:Entirely. -是的 Banker:Soyou come to enquire as to credit? 那么你是来申请贷款的吗 As your friend, I would back you to the hilt. 作为你的朋友 我绝对支持你 As your banker, I'm obliged to disappoint. 但作为银行职员 我只能让你失望了 Your father had debts, your property is mortgaged, 你父亲有负债 你的财产都用作抵押 yourland has no income. 土地又没有收入 Ross Poldark: I'm a poor risk. 这么说我的风险很大
Banker:Quite so. -没错 Ross Poldark: Andmy tenants? Can I do nothing for them? 我的佃户呢 我就不能为他们做点什么吗 Banker:I know you have an affection for these people, 我知道你很关心这些人 but you can barely support yourself, let alone them.但你几乎连自己都养不起 更别说他们了 Ross Poldark: Then you'd advise me... - 那你建议? Banker:Look to your own devices. 发挥自己的才能 Seek your fortune as and where you may. 抓住一切你认为能够挣钱的机会 Ross Poldark:Beggars cannot be choosers. 没钱就没得选 Banker:I hope you may rely on the friend, if not the banker. 作为银行职员我帮不了你,但希望你能让我这朋友帮忙 Ross Poldark:Ihope so, too. 那再好不过
For I need all the friends I can get.我正需要朋友的帮助

George:Ross Poldark is alive.罗斯·波达克还活着 George's Uncle:That wastrel? 那个败家子 George:At school, I rather admired him.上学时我还挺欣赏他的 He said what he thought, did what he liked.他敢想敢做 随心所欲 George's Uncle:And where did it get him? 那对他有什么好处吗 George:It got him a following. 让他广受拥戴 Something we frequently fail to acquire. 我们可是不怎么得人心 I wonder if he might not be useful to us? 或许他对我们会有用处 His father's dead. He has no obvious source of income. 他父亲死了 他没什么收入 If we could rally him to our cause. 要是我们能把他拉拢过来 George's Uncle:To what end? - He has an ancient family name --什么目的? -他们家族历史悠久 George:Doors which are closed to us might open for him. 将我们拒之门外的地方 或许会对他放行 What inducements could we offer? 我们能给他什么好处 His need at present must be severe. 他现在肯定迫切需要帮助 George's Uncle:You mean to buy his friendship? 你是说用金钱换取他的友谊吗 I would rather he bestowed it willingly.我更希望他会自愿与我们结交 I find people are very friendly when they cannot afford not to be. 我发现人被逼到绝境时,都会非常友善