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发表于 2016-9-12 16:02:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
·        I love you.
·        I’m sure you can find a way to solve this problem.
·        Boy, you worked so hard on that! It really shows.
·        I have faith in you to figure it out.
·        I know you don’t like doing this, and I thank you for doing it anyway. Itreally helps.
·        The amount of detail you added to this drawing makes it seem so life-like.
·        You must feel so proud of yourself right now!
·        Your eyes easily spotted the quickest way through that maze.
·        I noticed that you’ve been working hard at cutting your own food.
·        You did it!
·        Thank you for putting all of our towels in the laundry. It helps us getready much faster.
·        Trust yourself.
·        It sounds like your body is trying to tell you something.
·        I noticed how long you stuck with that.
·        You have the right to feel angry.
·        I can tell that some special mom/ dad time would help you right now.
·        How do you feel about what you accomplished?
·        I appreciate your cooperation.
·        Thanks for helping.
·        What do you think?
·        What do you need to do to accomplished your goal?
·        I’m listening.
·        That was hard for you; thank you!
·        I can see you are really angry right now, and that’s OK.
·        What would you do about it?
·        I just want to sit and be close to you for a few minutes.
·        It’s OK to be sad.
·        I appreciate you setting the table so neatly.
·        Wow!
·        I know you are upset. I would be too.
·        You can try again tomorrow.
·        What is your understanding of what needs to happen?
·        Your piggy bank is getting really full; it must have taken you a long timeto save all that.
·        You decide.
·        I have faith that we can find a respectful solution.
·        Look at what you’ve accomplished!
·        You are capable.
·        Thank you for getting dressed so quickly.
·        I noticed you gave your toy to that boy when he was sad. I bet it helpedhim feel better.
·        What is your plan for getting this done?
·        I’m sorry.
·        I love you.
·        You lead the way.
    第二份资料:50 EncouragingThings to Say to Your Kids
    Words can really change attitudes,self-esteem, relationships, and lives. Here are 50 things that you can say toyour kids. Try at least one of them today. Also, it's good to be specific whenusing praise. Instead of "beautiful picture" try saying, "Ireally like the colors you used." Instead of "nice job" try,"You did a great job cleaning your room. It looks so nice."
1.      I love you.
2.      You mean so much to me.
3.      I'm proud of you!
4.      Great job.
5.      Nice try.
6.      I'll pray for you.
7.      You make me happy.
8.      Have a good day.
9.      You're beautiful.
10.  You can do it.
11.  You're the best!
12.  You're good at this.
13.  I like the way you did that.
14.  You're so smart.
15.  That was thoughtful of you.
16.  I appreciate your help.
17.  Very clever.
18.  You have a lot of talent.
19.  Fantastic!
20.  Way to go.
21.  Your efforts are paying off.
22.  I can tell how hard you've been working.
23.  Outstanding!
24.  You're a hard worker.
25.  You're an excellent helper.
26.  Well done.
27.  I knew you could do it.
28.  Marvelous!
29.  You figured it out.
30.  What an imagination.
31.  I am blessed to have you in my life.
32.  You made my day.
33.  You're a good friend.
34.  You made a good decision.
35.  You're incredible.
36.  Good for you.
37.  Now you have the hang of it.
38.  You're really improving.
39.  That's the best ever.
40.  Much better.
41.  I can tell you've been practicing.
42.  You should be proud of yourself.
43.  What an accomplishment!
44.  You've really learned a lot.
45.  Congratulations!
46.  You figured that out fast.
47.  You made it look easy.
48.  It makes me happy when you do your best.
49.  That's quite an improvement.
50.  Good thinking!


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