电影Soul Surfer《灵魂冲浪》是一部适合暑假观看的青少年运动励志电影,由从小便展露出了不俗的表演才华的“少年得志”的演员安娜索菲亚·罗伯扮演身残志坚的女主人公。影片除了赏心悦目的碧海蓝天为背景,还有翻滚如浪的青春梦想以及令人动容的经典台词,小编对于《灵魂冲浪》里面触动心弦、引人沉思的剧本台词及精彩对白做了个总结,希望大家喜欢。

Life is an adventure.And sometimes,you wipe out and end up in the impact zone.
You see how hard it can be to make sense of things when you're looking at them really close?The same thing's true in life.So,if you guys are dealing with anything,that's just too hard to handle or doesn't seem to make much sense,get a new perspective.
David:The things that you're going to have to learn to do differently is extensive.But the good news.Those thing you're not gonna be able to do is small.
Life's got to go on the way it's gone on.
Bethany:That arm could not com soon enough.Because trying to make do with only one even harder than it sounds.I mean, fixing your hair is not exactly rocket science. Unless you've only got one arm. Then it might as well be a mission to Mars. Every day of my life, for as far back as I could remember, I was in the water. And now, I couldn't even put my bathing suit on. Almost everything seemed to be a challenge. But what scared me most, was that I might not be able to surf again. It's so sad.
Bethany:How you said it's hard to see things clearly sometimes when you're too close? Mmm-hmm. Well, I've been trying to get some perspective. I've been really trying. Sarah, how can this be God's plan for me? I don't understand.
Sarah:I don't know why terrible things happen to us sometimes. But I have to believe that something good is going to come out of this. Okay. I don't know what that is. I really wish I did.
Bethany:I thought...I thought at least with clothes on,I could have two arms.Thought I could look normal.
Bethany:They say the Lord works in mysterious ways.I say that's an understatement.Who would have thought that teaching a kid to surf would teach me that surfing isn't the most important things in the world?And that something else is.Love.Bigger than any tidal wave.More powerful than any fear.
Bethany:I wouldn't change that happened to me,because then I wouldn't have this chance in front of all of you.This chance to embrace more people than I ever could have with two arms.
Bethany:I was born to surf.This is why I wake up at the crack of dawn every day.This is why i endure belly rashes,reef cuts,muscles so tired they feel like noodles.And I have learned that life is a lot like surfing.When you get caught in the impact zone,you need to get right back up.Because you never know what's over the next wave.And if you have faith,anything is possible, anything at all.