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[欲望都市] 《欲望都市》第一季第一集学习笔记

发表于 2013-12-12 10:12:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
欣赏《欲望城市》这部剧集是种享受,除了幽默的对白和经典的剧情,还在女人的大脑中做了一次旅行,四个女人就是四个当代夏娃,突出表出了当代人的观点。更重要的是:通过此剧可以学习地道的美语,让你娱乐学习两不误 ...

SEX AND THE CITY SO1EO1:欲望都市第一季第一集学习笔记,感谢Ivanka'呕心呖血啃出的经典剧本和精彩记录:

Elizabeth was attractive and bright, and right away she hooked up with one of the city's typicall bachelors.   伊丽莎白既美丽又聪明,立刻就钓上城里的黄金王老五 (hook up with sb ,有扣住、接通意思,引申为认识某人,用于男女则有点暧昧)
I feel like I know you.
Oh, doubtful.
That day Tim popped the question.
(pop the question 求婚,但根据剧情应理解为提出一个问题,pop用法表示提出抛出爆出)
That's an awfully long rain check. 你未免让我等太久了吧
(rain check 延期)
He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call the next day. 他说他很忙他明天会打电话给她
(be up to ones ears 这个词我在一本口语书里看到是说表达吃的太饱了,后来问D说没有这个意思,是表示事情比较紧张,忙得不可开。)
Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount.
(….are paramount ….是头等大事。简单实用句型)
Cupid has flown the co-op. 爱神也只好同流合污。
参考户江上一个牛人的解释:是个挺难懂的文字游戏,字幕都翻成丘比特也只好同流合污,虽然很有意思,但就看不出跟英文的联系了。实际上,作者先用了一个美国俚语:fly the coop,然后把原指养鸡养兔等的小笼 “coop” 替换成了“co-op” (a co-op is a tenant owned apartment building),更符合当下语境,我觉得可以理解成丘比特早已拍拍翅膀,逃离了这座公寓丛林曼哈顿
fly the coop: to leave hastily,匆匆搬走,逃之夭夭,一般暗示搬走的人遇到了点什么问题,比如是为了逃债或逃避仇人寻衅等。
I call it ''the mid-thirties power flip'.
flip”在这里指“the act of flipping a coin”,就是那种弹硬币看正反面的小游戏,用在这里很符合语境,有种“风水轮流转,今年到我家”的意思,比power shift更突出游戏人生的味道。
I have a friend who'd always gone out-with extremely sexy guys and just had a good time.
Go out with…出去约会
She had a breakdown, couldn't hold on to her job, and moved back to Wis-consin to live with her mother.  
a breakdown 崩溃  hold on to one’s job 保住饭碗
There's not one woman in New York who hasn't turned down ten wonder-ful guys because they were too short,or too fat, or too poor.
Turn down 拒绝
Why don't they just marry a big fat tub of lard?
A big fat tub of lard 用来形容很肥的人,大肥猪,呵呵
It was like, ''Gotta go, catch you later.''
Look, if the right guy comes along, this whole thing's right out the window. 听着,如果真命天子真的出现,这一切都是不成立的
out the window 可以当作事情不成立的用法,很形象吧
Was it true? Were women in New York giving up on love and throttling up on power? 纽约女人会放弃爱热衷于追逐权力?
Give up on…放弃。。。 throttle up on… 追逐。。。
What a tempting thought.真是太棒了
tempting thought 诱人的想法
Straight love has become closeted.异性恋反而成了异端
straight 形容异性恋 closet原来只知道衣橱的意思,这里是隐蔽的
It was true, I no longer felt a thing for Kurt. 真的,我不再对柯特有感觉
feel a thing for sb对谁有感觉
Are you out of your mind?  
out of mind 发狂,疯狂
Capote Duncan, a big shot in the pub-lishing world.
A big shot 大人物大亨
Is there a woman here aside from me that weighs more than a 100 pounds?
Aside from ...除。。。之外
So ipso facto, I can't be interesting?
Ipso facto因此,拉丁文来着
I was pissed off the way you left.
Be pissed off  发怒,生气
Charlotte was playing hard to get, but she didn't want to end it too abruptly.
Play hard to get 剧中是说不想做个随便的女人,其实就是故意装作不肯合作,很难接近的样子
Meanwhile, Skipper was hopelessly smitten with Miranda Hobbes.
Be hopelessly smitten with….  拜倒在。。。裙下,颇有拜倒在石榴裙下的意味
Miranda said she thought he was too nice, but she was willing to overlook one flaw.
Overlook 忽视
Not a drop. Not even half a drop.

相关链接:Sex and the city《欲望都市》全套中英文剧本   《欲望都市》全六季音频文字学习机


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