1、He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.
Count one's blessings:to be grateful for the good things in your life, often to stop yourself becoming too unhappy about the bad things. (遇逆境)多往好处想; 知足常乐
例句:When you find that many people are worse off than you are, you'll learn to count your blessings.
2、After banishing all music from her life...她把所有音乐从她的生活里抹去之后 she found a way to provide for herdaughter. 她找到了一个养活女儿的方法 She rolled up her sleeves, and she learned to make shoes 她卷起衣袖,学会了怎么做鞋子
She could have made candy, O-o-or fireworks. 她本可以学做糖果,或者烟花也好 Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers. 或者摔跤选手穿的亮闪闪的内裤But no, she chose shoes.. 但是她没有,她选择了鞋子 Then she taught her daughter to makeshoes. 然后她教会了她女儿怎么做鞋子 And later, she taught her son-in-law. 接着,她教会了她女婿 Then her grand kids got roped in. 后来她的孙辈也进入了这个行当 As her family grew, so did the business. 在她的家族壮大的同时生意也越做越大 Music have torn her family apart, but shoes held them all together. 音乐曾使她的家族分崩离析,而鞋子又将他们凝聚在一起
Banish: ['bænɪʃ] 消除、抹去,这个词与我们经常见到的相关词汇如:"erase, eliminate, remove"意思相近,细微的差别之处在于:banish强调的是将不好的、负面的东西消除掉。
Get roped in:被说服或拉拢做某事。例:My cousin got roped in pyramid scheme last year. (我堂兄去年被拉拢近了一家传销组织)
So did the business:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定情况同样也适用于后者,通过需要使用“so+助动词+主语” 这种倒装结构。
3、Listen to your Mamá Imelda, She's just looking out for you.听你曾曾奶奶伊梅达的话,她都是为了你好。
版主解析: look out for sb:关照,只考虑某人的事情(即为了某人好)
4、Listen, you get me across that bridge tonight...and I'll make it worth your while. 听着如果你让我通过那座桥,我绝不会亏待你的
版主解析:make it worth sb's while: to tip or offer special (usually extra) payment to someone(让某人的付出物有所值,通常是物超所值)
5、One hiccup, de la Cruz is a tough guy to get to... 不过有一点 见德拉库斯非常难
版主解析:hiccup 这个词除了表示打嗝这种常见生理反应;还经常被用作承诺或者应允别人某件事情需要提前说明的一个前提条件或暂时性的小问题。
6、Don't yank my chain, chamaco. You gotta have some other family. 别想耍我, 小子,你在这肯定有别的家人。
版主解析: Yank one's chain:To tease someone, often by trying to convince him or her of something that isn't true. (糊弄、忽悠、戏耍)
7、I'm walking like a skeleton. Blending in.
版主解析:Blend in / blend into sth:to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily noticeable. (使溶入、或乔装假扮以蒙混过关),例:They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community.
8、This is why I don't like musicians.Bunch of self-important jerks! 所以我说我讨厌搞音乐的,一群自以为是的混蛋。
版主解析: self-important jerks:复合名词,通常用来形容那些狂妄自大和自以为是的人。
9、First, you have to loosen up, Shake off those nerves. 首先 你要放松,抖一抖紧张的神经
10、Please be on the look-out for a living boy. 请注意身边的活人男孩
版主解析:Be on the look-out:Pay special attention to...(特别留意、注意提防) |