
楼主 |
发表于 2014-10-2 14:20:53
-what if he forgets all but me?
-how can he forget someone he doesn't know exists?
there is much more to you than this obsession.
-i came to say goodbye.
-don't come out. if i look at you, i might not be able to getthrough this.
i don't expect you to think about me while i'mgone,
you haven't thought about me while i was here.
i just want to say,
i think i know you better than anybody else.
and whatever they think or say, i know the truth.
that you are a wonderful person.
-he sounds perpaps like an illusion.
-he keeps me company.
-you think so?
illusions are dangerous people. they have noflaws.
i went for long walks and i met myself inParis.找到了自我.
you seem embarrassed by loneliness,by being alone.
it's only a place to start.
you have to know what you want to do in your life. you have toknow yourself. you have to meet yourself.
-i'm not ready to make this kind of commitment.
i'm not in any position to take care of awife.我现在绝对没想到我居然还能照顾一个老婆....
-you are talking about my life.
-i pay for you life. my life makes your life possible.
-i resent that.
-so do i. look at yourself.
you went to law school,you never took the bar.
you went to business school, i can't get you near theoffice.
you studied languages you don't speak, intrusments youdon't play.
you have a series of girlfriends you never see more thantwice.
do you not see a pattern here?难道你还没看出来你做事情的腔调吗??
you are a grown man. finish something.
i want to wish you all the luck and happiness youdeserve.
although i am sure this will come as ashock,
it is just my belief that what i amabout to tell you is all for thebest.哈哈,这个是长辈经常对我们说的话,我是为你好啊...不过总感觉国外的这种方式比较婉转,容易表达出自己的感情.
you sentimental fool.你这个不懂人情事理的大笨蛋.
can i give you a lift? 要搭便车不?
thanks for the ride.
-don't you ever look out the window?
-when do i have time?
-what happened to all that time that we saved taking thehelicopter?
-i'm storing it up.
-no,you're not.
-how can you have a place like this and never come here?
-i guess i just never had anybody to share it with.
more isn't always better, sometimes it's just more.
-are you done?
-i don't think i can eat any more.
-it's too late to free them.
you are the world's only livingheart donor.(心脏捐献者)也就是说,你这个人虽然活着,但你是个没心肝的人~~
he thinks that morals are paintings on walls and scruples aremoney in Russia.
morals-道德观,mural-壁画,scruples-是非观,ruble-俄罗斯的一种货币.也就是说,你这个人没有道德观没 有是非观,标准一个惟利是图的商人
-it was a raining afternoon?
i was afraid,and i came into yr house,and try to turn ona lamp,
but i got a shock i thought i'd been struck bylightning.
and you stayed with me all afternoon till my father camehome.
-and you didn't cry. you were a brave kid.
-no, i was more afraid of you than being electrocuted.everybody was.
i do real work in the real world.
i once was lost and now am found.
-am i a lost cause then? lost cause--没有希望
-i don't like to think of anyone as a lost cause.
-was there anything you didn't like about Paris?
-how expensive everything is.
-well, i'd have to learn how to say," i'm just looking".
how do you say," this is what i want"?
how do you say," i'm looking at what i want"?
how flattering for,David! 哇塞,很多人拍你马匹啊!!
it would mean a great deal to me if you could.
-i'm going to Paris tomorrow.
-it's a long story.真是一言难尽啊,说来话长...
-i like long stories.
-you won't like this one.
-try me.你试试看!(有点威胁的语气了!)
you are going to ditch her? 你准备甩了她?
-i've watched you do business for years, but i thought therewas a limit to how sick you could ,how could you?
how could you do what you did to me and to her?
how could you go that far?
what the hell makes you think you have the right?
-all those years, you made all that money, and you never toldany of us how to do it.
-i'll tell you now. marry me for my money. people do it everyday.
-i'm not amused, and i have a great sense of humor.
-then marry me for love.
you don't deserve her. 你配不上她.
it's my first everything.
"Paris is always a good idea ," you said.
you said i'd be happy here.
you couldn't have meant without you.如果要幸福的话,是不能够没有你的!
i've been following in footsteps all my life.
and now you saved me.