Mark Twain(淹死的都是会水的) - 马克吐温
It ain't what you don't know that getsyou into trouble. 不懂的事情,你自然会多加小心 It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. 惹祸上身的是你自以为懂的事
OK... Hey did I hear you're expecting?好吧…听说你要生了? Ehh, we're expecting to be expecting...那个…我们是打算要小孩…
I'm standing in front of a burninghouse, 这就像我来到失火大楼前面 And I'm offering you fire insurance onit 现场让你们买火灾保险
He's got too much skin in the game, and he's dumping his position. 这人玩火烧身了,拉人垫背来脱身。