2006年末上映的一部欧美电影:The holiday《恋爱假期》,不知道还有多少影迷记得过这部相当温馨的题材,配合圣诞气氛,在一个寒冷一个热辣的两地交换。两种圣诞,一样的爱情。以下为电影《恋爱假期》经典台词节选: Part I:Start from Iris:
I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. 我发现所有关于爱情的描述都是真的
Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting." 莎士比亚曾说“恋人总在旅程的终点相会”
Oh,what an extraordinary thought! 真浪漫的想法
Personally,I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, 虽然我从来没有过这种经验
but I'm more than willing to believe Shakespeare had. 但是我相信莎翁有过
I suppose I think about love more than anyone really shouId. 我对爱情一向比别人想得更多
I'm constantly amazed by its sheer power toalter and define our Iives. 也深切地相信爱情能改变人生
It was Shakespeare who also said, "Love is blind."莎士比亚也说:“爱情是盲目的”
Now that is something I know to be true. 这一点我肯定是真的
For some, quite inexplicably, cove fades. 不知道为什么,对某些人来说,爱情是渐渐消逝
For others, Iove is simply lost. 其他人则是完全失去爱情
But then, of course, love can also be found, 但是有些人能够轻易找到爱情
even if just for the night. 就算只是一夜情
And then there's another kind of love, 当然还有另一种爱情
the cruellest kind, 最残酷的那一种
theone that aImost kills its victims. 足以让人痛不欲生
It's called unrequited love.那就是单恋
Of that, I am an expert.我就是这方面的专家
Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other, 爱情故事通常讲的是两个人相爱
but what about the rest of us? 但是像我们这种人呢?
What about our stories, 我们的故事很少被提起
those of us who fall in love alone? 孤独地坠入爱河
Weare the victims of the one-sided affair. 我们是单恋的苦主
Weare the cursed of the Ioved ones. 也是受诅咒的受害者
Weare the unIoved ones, 更是没人疼没人爱的可怜虫
the walking wounded, the handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space. 就像找不到停车位的残障人士
Yes,you are looking at one such individual 像我这样的一个女子
and I have willing forover three miserable years, 我死心塌地单恋那个男人过了三年的痛苦人生
the absolute worst years of my life. 我这一生最惨痛的日子
The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays, 耶诞节很难熬、过生日没人陪
New Year's Eves brought in by tears and Valium. 除夕只能放声大哭、狂吞镇静剂
These years that I've been in love have been the darkest days of my life, 身陷在黑暗的枷锁中
all because I've been cursed by being in love with a man 因为我无可救药的爱上一个男人
whodoes not and will not love me back. 却没得到相同的回报
Oh,God, just the sight of him. 我光是看到他
Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can't swallow. 心脏就狂跳、喉咙干到无法吞咽
All the usual symptoms. 全都是单相思的症状