



owenlee 上传于2015-07-18 21:26:22 分类:动画精选


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This is where you've been for 20 years?这20年你一直都在这里?
You-you've been rescuing them.你一直都在救他们啊
You're not upset? What?- 你不生气? - 什么?
No. I-I don't know. I...不,我不知道,我...
It's a bit much to get my head around, to be Frank.说实话,我有点摸不着头脑
It's not every day you find out your mother不是每天都发现自己的母亲
s some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady.是个疯狂,凶猛,正义的龙女
Well...哦,572--At least I'm not boring, right?至少我不无聊吧?
Well, I suppose there is that...我觉得确实...
One specific thing.有一点很具体
Do-do you like it?你喜欢吗?
I... I...-I don't have the words.我...我很无语
C-can I...我能...
Oh, he's beautiful.他真漂亮
Oh, incredible.不可思议啊
He might very well be the last of his kind.他可能是最后一只了
Oh... and look,哦,看啊
he's your age.他跟你一样大
Wow.No wonder you get along so well 哇,怪不得你们相处这么好
Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?是吗?
And retractable teeth.牙齿还能收啊
How did you manage...你是怎么...
I found him in the woods.我是在树林找到的
He was shot down and wounded.他中枪受伤了
This snafflefang lost his leg to one of drago bludvist's iron traps 这只龙失去了一只腿,被猎龙者的铁夹夹断了
This raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting. 这只雨刀被刀网割掉了翅膀
And this, oh, poor hobblegrunt这只可怜的蹩脚咕噜龙
was blinded by a tree snare被树枝陷阱打瞎眼
and then left to die alone and scared.然后被丢下自生自灭
And what of this?这个呢?
Did drago or his trappers do this, too?也是德拉戈或者他的猎手弄的?
Well, crazy thing is...哇,疯狂的是
I'm actually the one who shot him down.其实是我打伤他的
Hey, it's-it's okay, though.但没关系了
He got me back. Right, bud? 他报复我了...对吧,哥们?
You couldn't save all of me, could you?你也拯救不了我的全部吧?
You just had to make it even.你一定要扯平
So peg leg.所以装了假肢
What did your father think of your night fury friend?你父亲是怎么看你的龙朋友的?
Oh, he-he didn't take it all that well.他不怎么理解
But then, he changed.但后来他变了
They all did.他们都是
Pretty soon, everyone back home had dragons of their own.很快每个人都回家养自己的龙
If only it were possible.只要有可能
No, really.Believe me, I tried, as well. 不,相信我,我已经试过了
but people are not capable of change, hiccup.人是本性难移的,小嗝嗝
Some of us...Were just born different.我们有些人,天生就不一样

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